27. Zion And Cara

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Shout out to darwin456fran for all the support, votes and comments.
You really rock!😍😘


I had the craziest dream! That Ashley kidnapped Nerd witch along with some guys in a van.
I don't know why, but it hurt and made me panicky for her safety.

But... Knowing the way the universe and I are 'best buddies', It most likely wasn't a dream, and Nerd witch was in real danger.

Ashley had actually managed to hurt her with... Silver bullets?

A voice at the back of my head screamed 'WEREWOLF' but I had already been enlightened, so, I shut it up.

"Wake up!"


"Wake up you pathetic excuse for a human!"

Slowly, I cracked one eye open and came face to face with a very agitated and angry looking chameleon.

"Huh? H-how... is this... happening?" I stuttered and lifted myself to my hands and knees.
It was still snowing, and a fine layer of the snow had collected on my hair and clothes; even my eyelashes had snow on them.
My body felt numb from the exposure.

Cara snorted at me, "You're putting on the brainwave detection device,"

Placing a hand on my right ear, I discovered that truly, I was putting on the device Nerd witch had shown me a few months back. The one she used in communicating with her devil pet.

"Cool. How did it get there?" I rubbed my throbbing temples and looked to the fat  lizard for an answer.

"Riley slipped it on after she was shot, you were too busy yelling at Gold to notice,"

"I don't understand," I suddenly had a million questions, waiting to satisfy my ever growing curiosity.

I really need to get a grip on it.

"Of course you don't! Get up, we have to go get her. You've already wasted twenty minutes napping,"

"How do you expect me to do that? I don't have any super strength or super speed. I definitely don't have paralytic electric bolts to shoot at people,"

Cara rolled her eyes at me and began marching out of the alleyway.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I yelled after the retreating reptile.

"To show you your powers. Are you coming or what?"

Leaping to my feet, with a spasm of electricity rocking my body, I followed Cara out of the alley.
I'm taking orders from a chameleon. How weird.

Walking side by side with a demon lizard can be really awkward. So, to stop feeling so uneasy, I tried to make small talk,
I tried to ask questions like I had originally planned to.. Like...

'Who were those guys in the van?'
'How and when did Ashley become like Riley?!'
'Why me?!!!'

But then I thought of her Zion frying abilities and decided to stick to something less likely to end up with my murder on the front page of some Russian newspaper.

"Where are we going?"

"Shut your herpes infested mouth up,"

Damn dude. This lizard is awesome.

Honestly, whose side are you on?!

The savage team!

"How?? B-... You're a chameleon! How do you even know all that stuff?!" I blew out

"I'll only explain so you'll shut up. Try to keep up" She eyed me wistfully and kept moving.

For a chameleon, she was pretty fast. In fact, so fast that I was brisk walking to keep up. I also noticed we were heading in the direction of Zoe's condo.

"Riley is far more advanced than most humans. Physically, intellectually, psychologically too," She began, "I am just one of her few projects. I'm fully equipped with state of the art technology —actually, I'm certain that I am more advanced than this primitive technology you see nowadays," She declared

I scoffed.

Proud creature.

"Why exactly am I the one doing this? What about Shannon?"

Cara's eyes dropped, "She went missing three weeks ago,"


Cara led me straight to Zoe's condo, and even though I had half expected it, I was still surprised.
"How did you know where I live?" I asked curiosly.

"Oh please," She rolled her eyes like it was so obvious, "I have 24/7 access to the internet. It's one of the perks of being part robot. Plus your sister has been a subject of our interest for a while,"

I immediately became protective of my sister, "What do you want from Zoe?"

"Save the drama kid. Remember your powers I talked about?" She brushed me off and rammed against the door thrice, creating a knocking sound.

"Yes..." I raised an eyebrow skeptically, wondering where she was going with this.

"Your sister's connections is your power. Act fast and wisely, we don't have much time," She began camouflaging

Behind the door, I could hear very angry Zoe stomps heading to answer it.

Shit. It must be pretty late.

I panicked and looked to Cara for help, "You're not seriously leaving me here are you?!"

"No. I'll be around. I just don't know how you'll explain a sudden chameleon."

"But she's gonna skin me alive!"

Cara smirked, "Frankly, I'll enjoy watching that. Good luck moron! Not that I really mean it," She snickered.

The door swung open just as Cara disappeared.

I looked at the fuming face of my big sister with steam practically coming out of her ears, dressed in her silly hello kitty pyjamas. I would've laughed and teased her, if she didn't have that murderous glint in her eye.

"Heyyy, Z...." I chuckled uneasily.

"Zion Michael Wesley!" She screamed

Full name? You're dead bro.

I figured.

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter, I've been busy.
Okay, we haven't seen the last of the Zion and Cara duo, so stay tuned.

Your crazy amateur writer,

Edited: 2nd June 2020

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