11. Taking A Walk

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Important note: Zion begins having  conversations with his subconscious from time to time. He doesn't really take cognizance of it all thus while but it's been there all along. Just so you don't get confused.

Have you ever been asleep and aware that you're asleep?
You know that everything going on around you is a dream and yet you still want to remain asleep?
You want to savour those few moments of peace before you have to wake up and you're forced to face life with all its stress and burden and class tests or resurrected little brothers.
Oh, why not Thunder lizards and nerds with magical glowing hair who you have to kiss to prove some primitive male egotistical shit!

Cos I definitely wasn't feeling it.
I wanted to wake up. I had to.

I forced my eyes open and was thankful that the curtains were closed, leaving the room in darkness.
I sat up slowly doing my best to muffle the groans I made from the effort.
The sedatives must've been heavier than I thought.
I swung my feet over the bed so that my legs dangled from the edge of the bed; they felt so numb.

I took in the entire room with one look.
The seat where Sydney had been when I woke up the last time was empty, the room was empty and there was no sound except for the blaring of horns outside the hospital.

Before you ask,
No, I hadn't forgotten what happened. The freaky dream and how everyone thought I was crazy.
I got off the bed and sidled over to the window, dragging the curtains open only to discover that it was night.

How long had I been out?

I looked out the window and saw the city below me, all the lights that brought the city to life were twinkling in the distance. They reminded me of a fiery pair of amber colored eyes whose owner had gotten me into this whole mess.

I groaned in frustration.

I frowned as I thought of her and what she was capable of.
She was super strong ;my bruised body could totally attest to that.
Then that night with Zach, she had moved with impossible speed which I was still having a hard time comprehending.
But above all, she had somehow resurrected Zach and along the way must've hacked into the hospital's security system to fiddle with the video evidence and make me seem crazy.

Who exactly was Riley Parker?
Or more importantly,
What exactly was Riley Parker?

As always, my curiosity got the better of me, but it was backed up by a dab of anger.
It would be futile trying to convince anyone to listen to me, so I'd prove it to them.
I'd get answers even if I died trying — and there was a huge possibility of that happening especially when I'd just established that Nerd witch was more dangerous than I gave her credit for.

Maybe she was a vampire,
Or werewolf,
Oh! A witch! Just like I'd always suspected.

I should probably find her if I want answers right?
Good call.
Let me just remember where I kept my courage.

Don't judge me! You'd be scared of her too if your balls were threatened!

I found my phone on the bedside table and slipped it into my pocket.
I also spotted Sydney's car keys and despite the temptation to take them, left them behind.
Best be stealthy for what I was about to do, and a Lamborghini on the streets was farrrr from stealthy.

I tiptoed to the door and opened it a crack.
The noise from the hallway coupled with the strong, nauseating smell of disinfectant hit me almost immediately.
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten how much I hated hospitals.
I guess through all the panic, I never really relaxed enough to remember my hatred for the white hellhole and it's evil minions of death dressed in white with fake smiles plastered across their faces. Eew.

I snuck out of the room, letting the door shut softly behind me, then tried to blend in.
Sydney was standing somewhere ahead talking to a giggling blonde nurse whose uniform was so short, that if it went any higher her Spongebob  panties would be on display.
Oh wait, it already was.
How embarrassing.

I trudged on, keeping my head low and every minute I expected to hear 'Hey! Grab that mentally unstable yet really good looking rich kid who sees hot nerds with glowing hair resurrecting his little brother from death before he gets away!' but I heard none.

I made it past Sydney and the blonde hoe-nurse and they didn't notice me.
Probably caught up thinking of all the things they could do to each other.

I shuddered.

Hey don't get me wrong, I'm a badboy and all, I get my fair share of girls I screw, but it still doesn't mean I could imagine my cousin getting at it without being a bit disgusted.

I found a black hoodie draped over the arm of a chair as I made it to the reception and grabbed it without thinking twice.

Now I'm a thief too, isn't that just peachy?

I pulled on the hoodie and stepped into the cool freshness of the night.
Taking in a lungful of fresh air to flush out the hospital smell from my system.

Why couldn't hospitals just smell like vanilla or something like that ??

I went left and began walking, putting my fists into the hoodie's pockets and weaving my way through the people who walked briskly and busily.
Too bad I couldn't use my badboy perks outside school. (insert frownie face)

She's going to kill you!

Oh, obnoxious subconscious is that you?

No, it's Harry Potter

Okay. Hi Harry, I think you're overrated.

You ass! That was sarcasm!

Sarca-who? Does he battle noseless villains too?

Quit digressing Zion. You know this is dangerous. Just head back to the hospital and let this go.

Are you sure you're a part of my soul?

What? Of course I am!

Okay, then listen up. I'm doing this because I have to. And I'm not turning back just cos my sarcasm brandishing obnoxious soul says so. I'm taking a walk, now shut up.

And so I went in search of a sweet little house with a white picket fence and a garden of petunias and daisies out front.

I'm off to find the witch, the horrible Nerd witch called Riley.

A/N: Boom!!! Lazy ass me just delivered this!
I like Zion's subconscious , don't ya?
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Your crazy amateur writer,

Edited: 2nd June 2020

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