18. Sins Between Pages

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With a groan of frustration, I slammed the huge book of myths and history on the table in front of me, causing dust to fly around and throw me into a coughing fit.

Four hours!

Four hours of scanning through thick books in this dark, secluded part of the library.

And what did I have to show for it?

A sore ass from sitting for hours, a dry throat from inhaling all the dust, various paper cuts, and I still wasn't any closer to figuring out anything about Nerd witch.

I checked vampires—apparently, she didn't burn under the sun.

Werewolves, because of her tactical way of avoiding silverware during that accursed dinner night—apparently, she didn't show any canine characteristics other than bloodlust.

Even witches!—But, witches are more of magic and less brawn.

You could always ask her, you know?

Yes, cos that worked out so well the last time I asked. Right?


"I never thought I'd find the Zion Wesley, in a library," someone said in front of me.

Fuck! And just when I thought she'd stop pestering me.
Slowly, I lifted my eyes and looked at the blonde harpy who stood before me.
Ashley wore even less clothing today—if that was even possible.
The swells of her breasts were exposed and the dress she wore was strapless, and hugged her curvy figure tightly.

She winked at me and I made a dramatic gagging sound.

"The same goes for you, Ashley," I paused and thought "If I didn't know better, I'd think you've been following me"

The answering rouge on her cheeks confirmed my suspicions. Ahh, so she had been following me.
I was wondering how someone could just easily stumble across me in this deep, dark part of the library. Especially someone like Ashley, who'd just stay at the outer parts to get noticed by some guy or the other.

I raised an eyebrow and leaned forward with my elbows on the table in front of me, and my hands joined, "Ashley, what do you really want? You've been pestering me more than usual lately,"

"C'mon Zion! All I want is you. We were so perfect together before you started tailing that Freaky Frankie bitch around,"

I felt my fist itching to hit her for referring to Nerd witch that way, but I wasn't raised to hit ladies—or sluts.

"I've got some serious work to do, Ashley" I put so much venom into my voice when saying her name.

She was either stupid or stupider, because she took a step forward, "What does she have that I don't?!"

"Self respect, dignity, brains, definitely muscle, honor, totally her V card..." I rattled on.

"Zion," Ashley cut me off. How rude! "Baby, we can make it work. I need you and you need me, I'm all yours baby,"
She was standing close, a bit too close for my comfort.

I stood and placed my hands on her shoulders to keep some distance between us, then bent to her height.

"Go home and fuck whatever guy probably awaits you there. Fuck off, Ashley" I told her quietly like a parent telling a kid why it's not good to use the lawnmower in the house.

She was determined to achieve whatever it was she wanted because, she pressed her body against mine despite my attempts to keep her away.

"Ashley, get off me!" I growled

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