6. When The Crazy Come Knocking

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"This isn't you, Zion" I told the reflection of myself in the bathroom mirror. He shook his head slowly in agreement.

My hand went up to touch the healing black eye. From there, it went down to poke the fading cut on my left cheek, then further down to the bruises all over my exposed torso.

I bet you want to know what happened.

I'll give you five guesses but you probably need just one.

Nerd witch and her psycho chameleon sidekick. That's what happened.

I spent the last seven weeks stalking Nerd witch —low, I know —and every single day trying to get one stupid kiss.
But each day, I came home with a new bruise and a new story for Zach.

I know, I know, you probably think I should give up and save myself from further pain and humiliation.

Hell no! Zion Wesley never gives up.

I'd followed her to the amusement park, about four days ago, I thought I was being stealthy and she wouldn't see me. It was only when I found myself in a dark, secluded corner of the park that I realized it was a trap.
Her chameleon attacked me while she leaned against the wall with her hands in her pockets waiting for it to finish. We were so far from people that no one could hear my manly cries for assistance.

I gripped the edges of the countertop tightly and tried to control my breathing.

She was driving me crazy!

In the bad way of course.

Rachel, Jo and even Stacey told me I'd become obsessed with Nerd witch and I wasn't paying the necessary attention to other things in my life, but I just waved them off.

They couldn't understand, how would they?

They'd never understand that she didn't just bruise me, she bruised my ego and I'll never be okay with that until I get that kiss.


I jerked my head up quickly and saw Zach standing at the door to my bathroom, staring at my bruised body in horror.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!" I yelled and he flinched in fear while I quickly pulled on a T-shirt to conceal my damaged body. But instantly felt bad when I saw him tearing up,

"Hey kiddo, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Save it! Mom and Dad want to see you, they're downstairs. And don't bother telling me where you fell into this time " he spat angrily.

I felt guilty, I'd never upset Zach on purpose or make him sad. He stormed out of my room muttering a few things that I'm pretty sure weren't allowed in his vocabulary.

My guilt morphed to curiosity as I made my way downstairs. Mom and Dad were almost never around, they were always busy with work which made Zoe, Zach and I create a good bond between ourselves to make up for their absence.
When Zoe moved to a different continent to work, I was proud of her but equally sad, which left Zach and I to take care of each other.

Now I wonder why my ever busy parents want to see me...

When I got down the last flight of stairs I was almost out of breath —downside of living in such a huge house.
I mean I'm quite athletic and healthy but the current condition of my body wasn't really helping matters.

I spied Mom and Dad talking in hushed tones.

Curiosity level - Ultimate

"Mom? Dad? You wanted to see me?"

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