8. Silver Is The Colour Of Hope

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I wasn't paying attention to anything else around me. My heart was thumping and threatening to break out of my rib cage while I fought hard to hold back a panic attack.

Sydney knew the way to our family hospital, so he saved me the trouble of speaking and drove in silence which I very much appreciated.

My mind was racing
Zach! What could possibly have happened?
God I hope he's alright.

The second Sydney's car stopped, I bolted out and charged through the hospital's entrance. I spotted my parents, it was unusual seeing them twice in one day; what with their busy schedules and all, Mom was silently sobbing into a handkerchief and Dad had his hands in his pockets with a grim look on his face.

"M-mom? What happened?" I asked in a shaky voice.

Mom looked up at me and my heart broke. She had always looked confident and smart just as her profession required, but now?... Now she was just a Mother in excruciating pain and it broke my heart just looking into her green tear-filled eyes.
She stood up and enveloped me in her arms.

"Oh Zion," she sobbed "I..I, Zach,I..." then she burst into tears again.

I rubbed her back soothingly and looked to my Dad who had a better grip on his emotions than her to explain.

"Zach had a seizure," he said
I felt the blood drain from me. He hadn't had a seizure in a very long time and we were beginning to consider sending him to school at last and declaring him medically fit.
Zoe had been so psyched by the good news that she sent some Russian treats specially for him; Oh how this news would break her heart.

I fought back the tears and slowly let go of my Mom. I sighted Sydney standing near us with his hands in his pockets and his jaw set. I had to step up and comfort them somehow.

Zach was a really tough kid, he'd survived this before. I believed he'd be fine although a very little part of me was afraid.

I guided my Mom to a seat and helped her sit ,then I went over to Sydney and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, his eyes filled with unshed tears,

"Hey man," I told him quietly " We both know Zach is as tough as nails, he'll be fine. Don't go soft on me now"

He made a sound that was like chuckling merged with sobbing ,but when he opened his mouth to talk,an alarm went off and nurses and doctors started running.

Someone kept shouting "Code blue! Patient in private room 22A!"

All hope left me when my Dad grabbed a passing nurse and shook her violently

"What the fuck is a code blue?! Why are they going to my son's room?!" he all but roared.

The nurse was cowering in fear, but she somehow managed to look him in the eye when she answered
"It's a cardiac arrest"

That was all I needed. I lost control and raced to Zach's room, ignoring my Mom's hysterical crying, my Dad's pained yelling and Sydney calling my name. I ignored them and pushed past the doctors and other patients before I burst through Zach's room doors.

If my heart broke at seeing my Mom in pain, then what I saw just turned the broken pieces to ash and threw it in the trash.

My little brother...

My little Zach...

Was lying on the bed with tubes and needles connected to his body. He was bare chested as doctors used defibrillators on him, his face was deathly pale and his eyes were shut.

This shouldn't happen.

God please no. Save him and I'll change.

I'll be a better person

No more bad boy

No more ego

No more Nerd witch.

Apparently God didn't feel like making a deal with me today because the next thing I heard, was the heart monitor going flat.

He was gone.

Zach was gone.

A/N: Hello there you Nerd witch lovers
Sorry, I told you I wasn't promising anything.
Sorry 'bout the short chapter.
Now go!go!go!!!
Read the next chapter and Vote!!!!!!

Your Zach killing amateur writer,

Edited:2nd June 2020

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