10. I'm Not Crazy

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I heard a voice whisper. It sounded oddly familiar.

"Zion! Over here!" said the voice again, but more urgently this time.

I forced my eyes open but was met with more darkness.
Where am I?
What happened?
And why do I feel like roadkill?

I tried to recollect my thoughts but just ended up with a dull ache at the back of my head.
I winced and rubbed the back of my head to ease the pain.

"Zion!!" came the voice again.

Why did it sound so familiar?
And why was I happy but scared to hear it?

"Zion Lion? It's me" It said again

Goosebumps covered my flesh when I realized who the voice belonged too.


I jumped to my feet immediately, panic filling my veins, and tried to make my way in the thick darkness. I couldn't see anything ahead of me, or even the floor beneath.
I stretched out my hands in front of me and they were immediately swallowed by the darkness.
I quickly pulled them back in and stuffed them in my pockets.

Where the hell am I?!
And why is Zach here?!

I quicken my pace at the thought of my little brother being lost in this thick blanket of blackness, all alone and probably scared.
Although for some reason, it feels wrong ;like I should be scared.

"Zion!" he said again

I threw all doubts aside and focused on finding my little brother and getting us out of here

"Zach?! Where are you?!" I yelled, but my voice doesn't seem to echo and it felt like he didn't hear me.

I sucked in a breath and before I could yell again, I noticed a sliver of light cutting through the darkness just about 20 metres ahead of me.
Without a second thought, I sprinted towards it.

"Hold on Zach, I'm coming !"

I pumped my legs harder than ever just to get to him quickly.
With each step, the tiny streak of light got bigger until I was close enough to discern the source of the light.

It was a door that wasn't shut , I pumped my legs harder as they screamed in protest from the effort before I burst through the doors.

Something wasn't right.

Instead of panting from the effort or standing, I'm seated at a small table in what looked to be a deserted restaurant.

"How on earth—" I began to mumble before someone interjected

"Zion! You made it!"

I followed my brother's voice and saw him sitting opposite me , he looked excited.
Relief washed over me for a moment when  the dull ache at the back of my head came again.

Something wasn't right.

Zach now had a plate of salad in front of him and he ate without paying attention to me.
I looked in front of me and saw a plate of salad which wasn't there before.

I frowned and pushed the plate away.
I looked at my little brother who didn't seem the least bit perturbed by the fact that we were in a strange place, alone, with things appearing out of nowhere.

"Zach, don't eat that," I told him

"But we have to eat," he said without looking up at me.

I feel like I should be scared of him, but I don't know why.
I decided to think of what was going on.

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