CHAPTER 1: I Don't Know Anymore

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I woke up to a grey sky that was overcrowded by dark clouds reminding me that today, wasn't going to be a sunny or happy day.  In just a couple of hours, I was going to bury both of my parents. They were murdered a few weeks ago by a bunch of werewolves that nobody has ever seen before and doesn't have a scent to them. These werewolves are not like any others and somehow managed to rip my parents apart limb by limb as they were walking out from the Council hall. 

Both of my parents were head of the Witch's Council and were very respected by all kinds. My mother was the last of our kind until I was born. She comes from the most powerful witches in the world, both dark and white magic. Our family's name has always been feared by enemies and well respected by everyone else. In fact, my parents were the first kinds to ever bring true peace between the human world and ours. They've kept the peace for centuries and my father, with his powers of being the greatest Sorcerer who ever lived, not to mention the best dad in the world. 

Then there's my son, Cole who has recently turned six years old and who my parents helped me raise. You see, with both my parents having the title's and reputation's that they had, they were also the biggest targets for Rogues and anyone else that wanted to go after them. One day, when I was nine, a few rogues almost killed me and my parents. So until things got better and more safe, my parents thought it was best for me to live with my grandmother who lived in the states. There, I learned so much about humans and that not just my kind but other's were also living in the U.S. and doing similar things as the humans did to blend in. So I went to school and was lucky enough to find Ellie, who has been my best friend since the second week after I moved to a small town in Maine. She too is a witch. 

I missed my parents so much and occasionally, I would see them when they came to visit or I saw them through my grandmother's 'magical' water I used to call it when I was a kid. You see, it's almost like what humans call Skype or face timing. 

When it was finally safe to return home, I had just met someone that I fell in love with right away and who seemed to have felt the same as me. 

We were both sixteen when I met him and were with each other almost everyday up until a couple weeks before graduation when he had seemed upset with me and was avoiding me. Then I found I was pregnant and went to his house to tell him but, instead I found him in bed with some random girl. 

I remember feeling the worst pain in my chest that I had ever felt. I realized that day that you really can feel your heart break. So I swore I would never allow that to happen again and ever get close to anyone or love them as much. At least that's what I tried to stick with until Cole was born. That's the day my heart was healed and he became my whole world. 

Ever since he was growing inside of me, I had promised myself and to him that I would never make him feel like he was a mistake or let him know who his father was until he was older and asked me. I have dreaded that day since the beginning but luckily, right after leaving that small town in Maine, Ellie decided she'd go with me and afraid of what my parents would say about me being pregnant with a werewolf's child, I feared them and the council would be ashamed of me and ask me to choose between keeping the baby or them. Luckily, my parents loved me so much that they offered to help me and let me stay with them. So that's what I've been doing since Cole was born. And now that they both have been murdered and both my son and I are in danger, to make matters worse, Cole is close to shifting into his wolf form for the first time and I'm afraid because, I won't know how to handle it. 

You see, when someone like Cole, who has rare abilities from both magic and a werewolf, their shifting is far more painful than when a normal werewolf shifts. No to mention other aspects that occur also. My parents warned me about the day he shifts. There's a reason he is rare and I know that that is why whoever killed my parents are coming after him next. 

                                                                    A Few Hours Later

The service was really nice and everyone from all councils were there along with everyone else that knew them. 

Cole was just as upset as I was. Although I tried hard to keep him from feeling what I was on top of his emotions, he was still able to feel mine and tried hard to take it away so I could feel better. That's one of his abilities-he can take what people feel away and feel it himself. That's one of the 'healing' abilities he has. 

When the service was over, everyone had of course come back to the castle where we were at and did just as the humans do, hang out, talk, drink, eat, reminisce on the good times. 

Then right as people began to leave and after just putting Cole to bed, I heard one of the maids come in and tell me I had a guest. 

I was a little confused because I thought everyone had already come and gave their condolences but as I walked downstairs and saw who was standing in my living room, I froze in place. I didn't know what to do or what to say since I hadn't seen him since that day I left town. 

"Hey, Penelope." He said. 

Next chapter will be posted in a couple of weeks! Maybe sooner. ;) I don't know yet in how I feel about this first chapter. I might keep it as it is or rewrite it. Either way, I hope that you all give this story a chance because it DOES and WILL get better, I promise. :):) PLeeeease give it a chance. :) When it is posted, I will post a message on my message board and in one of the chapters for the other stories that I'm currently writing. In the meantime, I hope you do like this chapter and hope you'll be interested in reading more. :):);):):):)  Thank you all! 

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