CHAPTER 5: What Else Could Happen?!

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I know that LeRoy meant well and everything but there was no way that with all what's going on right now I would take his offer and have to deal with Roman too. 

I know I could have avoided this years ago but I can't change it now and as far as my safety, I will talk with the council tomorrow to assure them that I am safe and if not then I will figure out what to do. I mean, I can protect my son and I, especially with both my mother and father's blood and powers and abilities in me. 

Tonight was colder than most and since this is still an old victorian castle, there isn't any heaters except for the fire from the fireplaces. So after laying Cole down to sleep and lighting a fire for him with the snap of my fingers, I went into my bedroom next door to his and did the same with mine. 

I was sitting in my chair in front of my vanity, brushing my hair and thinking about all that's going on right now, I suddenly begin hearing the sound of the guards downstairs yelling out upstairs to me and as I sprint out of bed and out the bedroom door, I look left and right down the hallway a couple of times before seeing some light getting bigger and bigger by the reflection on the wall except I know it isn't one of my people. 

So I quickly go into Cole's bedroom and lock the door behind me and try to wake him up while also trying to remain quiet at the same time. 

"Cole!" I whisper yell. "Cole, sweetie, wake up." I tell him while shaking him a little to try and wake him up until finally he wakes up and squints from the brightness of the glowing fire bouncing off all the walls. 

"What is it mom?" He asks. 

"I need for you to be quiet and to follow me. And whatever happens, what you hear or see, if anything goes wrong and I tell you to run, you run. Understand?" I ask him. 

He looks at me for a minute with a scared look on his face and then I stop and stand up as I sense someone is getting closer to the door. It's the intruders. 

I quickly grab his hand and have him go into the little hidden passageway in his bedroom that he had turned into his little play room years ago and tell him not to make a sound or make himself known in any way no matter what until I said so. 

He shook his head in agreement again scared as I begin closing the door. 

"I love you and don't worry, everything is going to be okay." I assure him with a smile in which he smiles back at me. 

I then close the door quietly until I hear the door behind me be broken down by a wolf and a damn rogue at that. 

I try and get ready to flick my wrist and throw him hard against the wall when he begins growling at me and suddenly I feel myself kneeling down on my knees while I feel an invisible force hold my hands down and stop my thinking. This isn't some ordinary rogue. 

"Please......" I begin begging and then as I tightly close my eyes while thinking this was going to be it, I heard another werewolf but not like the wolf here and heard it growl deep, loud and fierce. 

When I opened my eyes, I noticed a werewolf and this rogue wolf wolf, start to fight and claw at one another. After watching in shock and starting to feel like the werewolf was familiar, I hear a pounding on the door behind me and Cole crying out for me. 

"Mom! Please, let me out!" I hear him cry. 

I take this opportunity to open the door, grab his hand and start quickly leaving out the other secret passageway door and we begin to go into my bedroom and right as I'm about to quickly rush towards my bedroom door to close it, another rogue wolf jumps in front of the doorway on all fours, doing the same thing as the other one was doing. He was growling as he showed me his sharp canines and looked to be hungrier than ever. 

I start to back up a little bit and as soon as he see's my son peek his head from out behind me, I quickly yell out 'NO!' and throw Cole off to the side as this wolf comes lunging at me and pounces on me, knocking me to the ground while trying to snap at me with his canines as I try to get him off and even try getting a hold of his top part of his mouth and bottom so I could break his jaw, he ends up somehow biting down on my arm really hard, causing me to scream in a lot of pain while I start to feel a burning sensation and the last thing I see and hear before everything went dark, was Cole crying out for me. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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