CHAPTER 17: What Did He Want To Tell me?

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Roman took us to a nice fun family restaurant and then we went to go and see the new Grinch movie. It was a pretty good movie although Cole said he liked the one that Jim Carrey was in years ago.

After returning home, it was a little past Cole's bedtime so me and Roman put him to bed and then headed towards our bedroom to get ready for bed.

"Pen?" I hear Roman tell me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He begins.

"What?" I ask as I finish rubbing lotion on my arms.

"Well, I was talking to the council today and I ended up telling them about you and Cole." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"I told them that you were my mate and that he was my son."

"You what?" I asked as I stood up and folded my arms on my chest. "What possessed to do that?! I told you before that we would tell both of our councils together." I tell him.

"I know but, I just had the urge to." He says. "Wait, why am I defending what I did? Okay, I know that I should have waited for you to tell them but I did it and you know what? I'm not sorry for doing it. My god, it's almost like you don't want anyone to know about us!" He snaps.

"That's not it and you know it!" I fire back. "I just asked you to wait for me so we could figure out how to tell them both and you couldn't do that. I mean, really, you wanna come at me like that?!"

"Well if you want we can go talk to them both tomorrow. I'm sure they haven't told your council yet." He says.

"I doubt that." I tell him. I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes for a moment while I tried to calm myself down a bit. "Look, I don't want to fight. I'm just trying to understand why you would do that." I try and tell him calmly.

"Like I told you, I don't know, it just came out. And I'm not going to stand here and be yelled at as though I'm a child that did a bad thing. Damn, are you on your period or something?" He blurts out at the end.

"Go to hell." I tell him through clenched teeth while walking past him and slamming the door really hard behind me with the flick of my finger as I welded the door lock closed after locking it so that it would be really hard for him to get out.

That asshole. What the hell is wrong with men using our menstrual cycle as a reason to be pissed off and snapping at them instead of asking themselves if they're the reason why we're upset.

I decide to take a walk outside and quickly am grabbed by the arms after stepping foot off the back patio.

"You aren't gonna do that to my door and just walk away." He says.

"I just did. Now let me go." I tell him as I try struggling my way out from his grasp but am having trouble.

"You shouldn't be out here. Now get back inside." He demands.

"Hey! You don't tell me what to do!" I snap at him.

Then before anything else, he quickly picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder as he continues walking back into the house while I continue kicking and hollering.

"Quiet." He says as he smacks my ass. "Don't want to wake up Cole.

"Put me down." I tell him as I punch him in the back.

"Oh I'll put you down alright." He says.

Then the next thing I know, he takes us into his office and locks the door behind him before setting me down on the desk and holding me down.

"I'm pissed off at you right now." I tell him as I push him off of me finally and try making my way towards the door until he grabs me from behind and turns me to face him as he pushes me up against the wall.

"Now you listen to me. I know I fucked up and I'm sorry for that. But we have something bigger to discuss that involves Cole in the future." He begins.

We both glare at each other and then suddenly we start kissing each other hard and filled with lust.

I want to keep pushing him away but instead we just grab onto each other as he wraps my legs around his waist and carries me to the desk and then sets me down and turns me around after ripping each other's clothes off.

I place my palms flat and faced down on the desk to hold myself up as he licks his palm and rubs himself a little while having me look back at him and starts kissing me before I feel him thrust hard and deep inside of me.

"Fuck!" I moan loudly as I look down at the desk.

"Fuck baby." I hear him say as he pushes me more onto the desk while grabbing my breasts and then sliding down one hand to rub my clit. "Cum for me baby." He says in my ear.

"Mmm....Fuck you feel so good." I moan. "Fuck me harder." I tell him as I arch my back and put my hand on the back of his neck so he can kiss me as he thrusts into me harder, faster and deeper having every thrust make him hit my gspot each time until finally we both climaxed at the same time and as soon as I came all over his cock he quickly did a few more strokes while I felt him come all over my ass.

We both collapsed as we tried catching our breaths until we went upstairs to take a shower and then finally went to bed.

I've decided that I guess I overreacted, however, I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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