CHAPTER 2: But That's MY Mate!!

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"Tell me what all you know and I will let you go." I tell this pathetic and useless sorcerer who has recently trespassed onto my property and has killed a few of my men.

"Never. You have no idea Alpha the wrath you will soon endure. Both you and you and your family will suffer greatly!" The guy threatens.

"I've got news for you, my family's dead." I smirk at him and get ready to kill him off when Beta of my pack, LeRoy comes running into the room.

"Alpha!" LeRoy calls out.

"What?!" I yell at him frustrated he interrupted me.

"Castroy is here." He says.

"Good. I'll be there in a minute." I tell him.

He bows his head and then leaves closing the door behind him, leaving me to finish off this asshole. When I was finished, I cleaned myself up and then headed towards the office to meet up with LeRoy and Castroy.

As soon as I walk in, Castroy is standing in front of my desk and bows his head before I tell him to take a seat.

"Alpha." He greets me.

"So Castroy, what's the big important news?" I asked him as I lit up a cigarette and blew out the smoke.

"Alpha, it's the head Elders of the Witches Council, Penelope's parents." He begins.

"What about them?" I asked worried.

"They were murdered Alpha." He chokes out.

"WHAT?!!" I shout out loud as I put out my cigarette while abruptly stand up punching my fists hard against my desk, causing the stone to break.

"Some think it was rogues but, the council all think it was something else." He states.

I turn and walk towards the big window in my office that overlooks the garden my mother had. I take in a deep breath and let it out before asking.

"Does Penelope know?" I ask him.

"Yes. In fact her and her son are arranging the funeral." He tells me.

"Her son?" I asked confused and yet upset. She had sex with another man? She's nothing like I thought she was.

"Alpha?" I hear Castroy say my name that snaps back into the present.

"Yes. Well, we will attend the funeral when it comes. Thank you." I tell him. "That'll be all." I tell him as I began feeling anger start to boil up inside of me after not getting the thought out of my head of another man touching her.

As soon as the guy leaves, I turn and look at my Beta.

"I wan't you to find out when this funeral is and I want you to also find out the son-of-a-bitch who touched my mate and bring him here along with the ones who killed her parents. I'm sure they'll be after her next." I tell him as I continue looking out the window.

"Of course but, Roman?" He asks me. "What if she refuses to not come?" 

"We'll figure that out when it comes to that. In the meantime, go and get both her and her son." I tell him. 

"Yes Alpha." He slightly bows and then leaves the room. 

I look more out the window and start remembering when my mother used to go out to the garden to think or to escape from all the craziness going on. It was the one of few places she knew of where she could go and be alone. 

I start to shake the thoughts from my head as I start remembering what Castroy had told me minutes ago mentioning Penelope and her having a son. 

I guess that in a way I shouldn't really be upset since she's the one who left without saying anything and oh my god, I begin thinking even more feeling a bit more frustrated with myself more as I also start realizing that I offered both her and her son to stay here. 

I was serious though when I mentioned of finding the guy who got my mate pregnant and kill him. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)    Yeppers folks!! I'm gonna post chapters for this story too! You all have patiently waited long enough so without further ado, I present the next chapter to this story. :)   

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