CHAPTER 24: My Aunt Is In BIG Trouble.....

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While opening my eyes, I feel as though I've been in a coma except that I remember what's going on. Maybe not everything as I hear my bedroom door open and in walks Ellie along with Roman.

"Hey gorgeous." Ellie smiles at me and I begin getting a little teary eyed while I smile really big, happy to see her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm here to help you." She tells me.

I look over at Ramon as he stands in the doorway with both of his hands in his pockets.

"Can you excuse for a second?" I ask her.

She smiles and hugs me before leaving and closing the door behind her leaving Ramon and I alone.

"Hey." He says as he starts walking over to me and sits.

"Thank you." I begin telling him.

"For what? I haven't done anything." He replies while holding my hand.

"For calling Ellie and for staying with me." I confess.

He looks at me confused.

"Why would I leave?" He asks me.

"Because of all that I'm putting you through and Cole..." I stop as I start worrying. "Oh my god, where's Cole?"

"It's okay baby. He's safe." He assures me.

"Does he know what's going on?" I ask worried.

"No. I'm not going to tell him either. We need to hurry though." He begins.

"Hurry with what?"

"With trying to figure out in how we are going to defeat Rizelda."

"Rizelda? As in my great great grandmother?" I ask in fear.

"Yes. Ellie told me all about her and how her real name was Rizelda but she went by something else for a while. She has come back and was summoned by your aunt."

"Oh god. It was her that killed the head of the council and then she...." I stopped after remembering what she did to me.

"She what?" I hear him ask me.

"After she killed that man she looked into my eyes and the next thing I know I'm in a field. It's emptied and I'm surrounded by thick fog and a dark sky. I can't see or hear anything and then suddenly I hear people chanting something in the distance. So I begin walking a little bit and then finally I begin to see a group of people standing in a circle and as I get closer, I notice in the middle is my mother and father along with my aunt standing next to them, smiling."

"In what way?" He asks me.

"In a ritualistic way. I try to scream but I can't. I try to move but I can't and suddenly, everyone starts looking at me, while still chanting, including my aunt."

"What happened after that?" He asks.

"Nothing because I woke up." I tell him.

"Well don't worry, Ellie told us what all we need to do in making sure we get rid of her before she completely takes over." He stops himself.

"Hey..." I begin while squeezing his hand gently.

"Everything will be okay. We're gonna be alright. I know we'll figure this out together." I try and reassure him.

He looks at me and smiles.

"You're right." He smiles at me.

Our bedroom door is quickly swung opened and in rushes LeRoy and Ellie.

"We have a problem!" LeRoy says.

"What?" Both Roman and I say in unison.

"It's Cole, he's been taken." LeRoy states.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I quickly get up and hold up myself on the bed as I realize I got up too quickly, which Roman quickly comes and helps me.

"Find out who took him and tell the rest of the pack!" Roman demands.

"They already know and we know who took him." Ellie says.

"Who?!" I asked.

"Your aunt." She says.

My heart drops and I suddenly fall back onto the bed.

"I can't breathe." I begin to say.

"Pen?" Roman says as he runs to my side and puts his arms around me for comfort.

I then start crying into his chest.

"My baby." I begin crying hard.

"Shh. It's okay, we'll get him back. Remember too that he's our son and he has both of our strengths and abilities, he'll be okay." He tells me.

I swear that when I get a hold of my aunt, I am not only going to get rid of my great great grandmother but I'm going to teach my aunt a lesson.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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