CHAPTER 3: Then Again.....

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When the service was over, everyone had of course come back to the castle where we were at and did just as the humans do, hang out, talk, drink, eat, reminisce on the good times.

Then right as people began to leave and after just putting Cole to bed, I heard one of the maids come in and tell me I had a guest.

I was a little confused because I thought everyone had already come and gave their condolences but as I walked downstairs and saw who was standing in my living room, I froze in place. I didn't know what to do or what to say since I hadn't seen him since that day I left town.

"Hey, Penelope." He said. 

"LeRoy." I replied surprised.

"Hey." He smiles.

I haven't seen LeRoy since I left town that day. I have talked to him throughout the years but we haven't see each other in person since then. 

"It's good to see you. Thanks for coming." I tell him as I walk up and give him a hug. 

"You too." He says as he hugs me back. "We all miss you." 

"Yeah." I replied while backing up a little. "So, would you like a drink or something to eat?" I offer. 

"I'll take a beer if you have one." 

"Of course." I tell him and we start walking back towards the kitchen. 

When handing him his beer and taking a seat next to him at the dining table, we both begin feeling a little awkward for a brief moment. 

"So where's Cole?" He asks me while looking around. 

"He's asleep." I reply. 

"How are you holding up?" He asks before taking a drink from his beer. 

"Alright. I mean, I still can't believe they're gone." I wipe a tear from my eye. 

"I know." He tells me as he leans over and places his hand over mine. 

"Anyways, I don't want us seeing each other for the first time for years to be weird and all sappy." I chuckle. 

"It's okay." He assures me. 

"So, how is everyone? The pack I mean." I ask him. 

"They're good. He misses you you know?" 

"Well, I'm not the who messed up." I tell him. 

"Listen, I know he fucked up badly, at least bad enough for you to leave and have his kid alone." He begins. 

"I wasn't alone." I quickly reply. 

"I know but, you know what I mean."

I nod in agreement. 

"So why are you here? Did he send you?" I ask. 

"Yes and no. I was actually going to come already to hopefully comfort you but, then he suggested I come and get you." He says the last part under his breath. 

"What?" I asked him. 

He looks at me for a moment and then finishes off his beer before answering. 

"You and Cole need protection and yesterday the council requested for us to bring you back to our place so that we can help protect the both of you." 

"Well no offense to your councilmen but, I'm not staying anywhere near him." I tell him. 

"It wasn't just the Wolf Council that agreed. Yours did too." He states. 

"We'll be fine. Besides I was going to place a protection barrier tomorrow around the property." I tell him. 

"You know that that's not the only reason why you should stay with us." He tells me with a cocked eyebrow. 

"I'll deal with it." I reply. 

"No offense, but Cole needs to help him shift and understand his power of abilities. Especially from his father who happens to be a powerful Alpha." He tries to explain. 

"I don't want to see him. Besides, I'm not exactly ready for Cole to meet his father before I have forgiven him."

"What exactly happened that day?" He asks sincerely. 

"HE never told you?" I asked surprised. 

"No." He shakes his head. 

"I had just found out that I was pregnant and when I went over to tell him I caught him and some other girl together in his bedroom."

"Shit. I'm so sorry." He tells me. "But I can promise you that he hasn't been with anyone for a very long time. Meaning, in years." He says to me. 

"Forgive me but, I find that hard to believe and.......and it's getting late. You should head back and not worry so much about Cole and me. We'll be fine." I try hard to fight back tears. 

"Penelope." He begins but I stop him. 

"It was good seeing you. Maybe we can see each other again sometime soon and under different circumstances. And tell everyone I said hi and tell Roman that thanks but, no thanks for the offer." I tell him as I get up and start walking towards the front door to open it up.

He nods his head and gets up to start making his way towards the door and stops before stepping outside. 

"If you change your mind, let me know. You still can do the mind-link right?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I nod. 

He leans in and gives me a quick kiss goodbye on the cheek. 

"Goodnight Pen." He says. 

"Goodnight LeRoy. Oh and please, still keep Cole between you and me." I remind him. 

"I will. But one of these days, I really do hope you can find a way to let Cole meet his dad and give him a chance." 

I just roll my eyes and close the door then start making my way upstairs. Then before going into my room, I take a look into Cole's bedroom and look at him sleeping peaceful with his arms and legs spread out all over the bed. He looks so much like Roman and LeRoy is right, I'm  not the right person to teach Cole about shifting. I'm just not sure if I'm ready though to introduce them. Then again, I can't keep putting it off.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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