CHAPTER 28: A Dark Room

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"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME!!" I yelled and screamed out as loud as I could while the guards dragged me down to what I thought looked to be like a dungeon with it's renaissance look of decor along with the stench of death and the stained walls, floors and other spots of blood.

Then as soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw ahead of me a table that looked to have rusted old shackles for both the wrists and one for each ankle as well.

While I continue to struggle, I am quickly turned to face one of the guards as he then punches me.across the face hard.

"Fucking piece of shit!" He spits at me.

I then hear a low and deep gutteral animalistic growl that at first I thought was Roman's but, I quickly realized how impossible that was.

While looking over the guards shoulder, I see two eyes staring at me in the dark cell it's in and I try to look a little more and quickly notice it's Cole. Oh my god, he has shifted.

I try to struggle free again but to no prevail.

"No." I cry out as soon as I see when he gets to the cell door bars that he has a shackle on each wrist and they are chained to the wall behind him.

I next feel myself being harshly pushed onto the table on my back while the guards quickly shackle my wrists and ankles as the one who hit me holds me down.

The guards then start to walk off while I try wriggling my way out of the shackles knowing deep down I can't since these too are also made with the kind of iron that prevents anyone with magic to use any.

"My she is a feisty one, huh boys?" I hear my aunt Clarice say as she comes walking down some stairs from the opposite side I came in at.

"What have you done to my son?" I asked.

"Nothing he wasn't able to do on his own." She smirks at me.

Quickly I begin seeing several others in dark cloaks come walking in from behind her and circling the table I'm on.

"Let him go. I swear you can do whatever you want to me but just not my son. Please let him go." I try to beg.

"Sorry..." She gives a fake pouting face. "But that isn't gonna happen. You see the.more I did my research, the more I discovered he will be of good use to Rizelda." She grins.

"The hell he will! I won't allow it." I spit back at her.

"You have no say. You have no magic. Therefore there's nothing you can do about it. Besides, if anything, I think you should be very proud your son. He's going to be a great asset to our future." She says.

"You ca....." I stop while wincing in a sharp pain from my stomach. It turns from what feels like contractions to more of a burning sensation.

The more I cry out loud in pain, the more I can tell Cole is getting more upset and trying to break the cell.

"It's happening already." Clarice tells me.

"What?" I wince again.

"Rizelda is almost here. So now we should begin to complete the transformation." She mentions.

She looks at everyone around the table and then I see her take out a dagger in one hand while putting her hand over my face as everyone began to chant while she joined in seconds later closing their eyes.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
We call upon thee to come command us
By my command, moist earth turn, give up
your dead, their secrets to tell.
Rizelda, I call you from Hell."

During the chanting I could feel my insides begin to rapidly break and the burning sensation get stronger and stronger by the second as I could feel myself start to slip away from my body and feeling like I was shrinking while being pulled further back behind my eyes as they fogged and I closed my eyes and opened them only to scream in horror from seeing my great great grandmother.

"Rizelda..." I whispered before I saw nothing more but darkness.

It was weird because it wasn't as though I blacked out cause I could still hear everyone but I couldn't see them. It was almost as though I was tossed into a dark room and the door was locked by Rizelda.

I'm scared. What's going to happen? Then I hear my aunt and everyone stop chanting in unison and heard Clarice hello to an Alpha. Which I soon found out seconds later, was Roman.

I was saved now......Right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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