CHAPTER 12: Starting Anew

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Oh my god, what just happened?! That damn slut blabbed her mouth and now Cole and everyone knows the truth about me being his father and being with Penelope which I can tell that both news has upset Penelope as she runs outside. 

I take Cole's hand and thank Zeila for inviting us as we start heading out the place and catching up with Penelope who is standing by the car, looking as though she's having a panic attack. So both Cole and I walk up to her and we both start to hug her with her head on my shoulder. 

"It's okay." I try to rub her back while reassuring her that everything is going to be okay. 

"I'm so stupid. I should have told everyone but..." She started and then looked down as she felt Cole's arms around her waist. 

"It's okay mom." He smiles up at her. 

"I'm so sorry Cole. I'm so so so sorry." She kneels down continuing to cry as she holds him tightly. 

"It's okay. I kind of already figured it out anyways." He says. 

She looks at him confused. 

"How did you know?" 

"Because I look a lot like him. I have his nose, and even his hair." He states. 

She smiles at him and wipes her eyes. 

"You're so smart sweetie." She tells him. 

"Come on guys, let's go and get some ice cream." I suggest. 

We all get in the car and head over to a place in town that I explain I used to go to when I was a kid.

After eating ice cream, Cole goes and begins playing some of the games they have there. I know it might sound weird that we do similar things to humans but, we found that some of their things are pretty cool and just as fun as ours can be. Plus it's great exposure to their lifestyles so that all of our kinds can know more about each other.

While playing games, Penelope and I sat at the table watching Cole and could tell she felt a little nervous the moment I began scooting my chair closer next to her then taking hold of her hand on the table. 

"Thank you." She began to say after sharing a briefonmomrnt of silence with each other.

"For what?" I asked confused. 

"For being patient with me and for how you just reacted back at the party and coming after me." She smiles. 

"Of course." I smile back at her. "And for the record, I tried going after you and it was difficult to find you, until recently." I began feeling ashamed because there's no excuse for not finding her earlier. 

"It's okay. We're together now." She says with assurance. 

"Really?" I ask. 

"Yeah." She nods as she looks down at our hands on the table. "I've been thinking a lot about with what you said and how persistent you've been." She pauses and looks like she's fighting back a few tears. "I was wrong. I misjudged you and I should have told you about Cole in the beginning." 

I lift her chin up to face me. 

"I don't blame you for leaving. I don't blame you for not telling me either with what you thought you saw. But at least now we can put it all behind us and be together. Be a family." I tell her the last part while looking at Cole and smiling. 

We look at each other and then slowly begin leaning our heads closer and closer towards each other until our lips touch gently for the first time since high school and as we start making out with each other for a good few moments until we notice Cole out the corner of our eye, staring at us while drinking from his cup.

"That's gross. I mean, I know that's what mom's and dad's do with each other but please, try to hold back from doing it in front of me." He says before finishing his drink. 

"Hey, when you find someone you love, you're going to be doing the same thing too." I tell him while reaching out and moving him onto my lap. 

"Eww, no." He says with a disgusting look. 

"You say that now." Penelope chuckles. 

"No. That's not going to happen. But something I would like to have happen is for you both to continue putting smiles on each other's faces. Cause I'm tired of the arguments." He says. 

Both Penelope and I laugh at how cute and mature he sounds. Especially when it comes to advice about me and her. 

"Oh don't worry about that little man, I know how to calm your mom down." I wink and smile at her while she blushes and looks at me with wide eyes that told me to shut my mouth. 

"Oh my gosh, can we please go before I throw up all my ice cream?" Cole says while hopping off my lap. 

Penelope and I just roll our eyes and laugh as we get up and start making our way out the ice cream parlor. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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