CHAPTER 15: I'm Just Scared Is All

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Oh my god, this was it, Cole was actually shifting now.

I try to calm myself down a little while trying to hide how nervous and scared I felt.

"It's okay, look at me." I hear Roman say as he kneels down and looks at Cole. "Now it's okay. It's gonna hurt the first few times and then things will get better. But I need you to continue shifting. Just imagine yourself as a werewolf and it'll speed up the process and help it go smoother." He starts telling Cole.

The mother in me wanted to stop the shifting after hearing Cole.s reaming out loud in pain. While the other half of me was telling me that he needs to know how to shift and learn all that he can about the other type of blood he has going through his veins.

Roman keeps coaching him and helps Cole successfully shift into his bad ass wolf that had a midnight blue tint on his fur, light green eyes and looked a good size werewolf. 

"You look awesome son." Roman tells him and then Cole looks at me and at first I'm a little nervous because I have never seen him as a werewolf before but the minute I looked in his eyes I knew it was Cole, my son and I began smiling at him but then had to look away as I felt myself tearing up while thinking back at how my parents were killed and by who.

I turn and start leaving the room after excusing myself so that they couldn't see I was upset cause I don't want Cole to think he's a monster or that he should be ashamed to be a werewolf.

I start breathing in and then out a few times and wipe away my tears. Then feel a hand grab mine and I look down and see it's Cole back in his human form.

"I'm sorry mom for scaring you. I promise I won't do it again." He begins to apologize.

"Oh sweetie no, don't stop doing that. You need to be proud of who and what you are. It's rare to have the abilities you do and being the hybrid you are, but trust me, you're going to be great and strong." I assure him with a smile.

We hug each other and he then runs downstairs while I walk towards my room and look out the window.

"It's gonna be okay. You both are safe here." I hear Roman say and I start blinking away tears.

"I hope so." I choke out.

I next feel his arms wrap around my waist as he turns me around to face him.

"I promise." He says after lifting his head and looking into my eyes.

I start to hug him tightly while trying hard to stop crying.

"Please promise me that he will be safe here." I cry.

"I swear on my life. I will protect both of you no matter what."

Between him holding me and telling me that Cole and I were really safe here, I believed him.

"Okay." I smile at him.

He leans in and kisses me and that seemed to have calmed me down as usual.

"Feel better?" He chuckles.

"Shut up." I playfully slap his chest and we hear Cole downstairs calling up to us.

Roman and I start heading downstairs and stop after we see who I'm assuming is his pack. They all look at me and suddenly I feel nervous.

"Guys knock it off." I hear Roman tell them.

The guys all start breaking out in laughter.

"We're just fucking with ya." LeRoy says.

"Ass." I say under my breath.

I was introduced to some newcomers who I never met before while the others that I already knew, we greeted each other like it hasn't been years since we last saw each other.

It was great seeing them and meeting the ones I had never met before.

Cole seemed to be liking them too.

"You know..." LeRoy began. "If it's alright with you, we'd like to help train Cole in the werewolf department. Not just with shifting but other skills." He offers.

"Thanks, that'll be great." I smile at them.

"Well, I'm training him mostly so.." Roman says.

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist." LeRoy teases Roman while rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." Roman says under his breath.

"Anyways, Alpha? We need to get going to the council meeting." LeRoy tells him.

"Shit, that's right." I hear him say under his breath.

"It's okay. Go to your meeting and when you come back we'll figure out some things." I tell him as I look at Cole.

"Alright." He says as he kisses me goodbye and hugs Cole real tight before leaving.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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