CHAPTER 18: Two Months?

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Okay, so I hadn't expected things to happen the way they did last night. However, just the way she was talking to me and how she looked on top of that, damn, I couldn't resist and neither could she apparently.

Today, Cole was staying over at a friends house in which I'm glad because I had planned to discuss the Arena and what Cole will have to do when he's a teen.

It took me a few moments but then I finally found the perfect time to talk to her.

I walked into the living room where she looked to have been sitting down reading a book and looks up and see's me.

"Hey baby." I smile at her while walking up to her and giving her a kiss on the lips before sitting beside her on the couch putting my arm over her shoulder.

"Hey." She smiles in reply.

"There's something I want to talk to you about that I meant to tell you last night." I begin.

"Okay." She says as she sits up and takes in a deep breath then lets it out before I start.

"You know how yesterday I went to the council?"

"Yeah." She says.

"Well, something that we discussed was Cole  and how he'd have to do challenges when he's sixteen in the arena."

"Well, of course, all werewolves have to. Witches have to also in their own arena." She smiles.

"Yeah but for Hybrids, the challenges are far more severe and dangerous." I tell her.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"The Hybrids challenges, they always result in one dying." I tell her while fighting back tears towards the end.

I can tell she's fighting back some tears too.

"When does he have to do this?" She asks.

"When he's sixteen. But don't worry, I'm sure that he'll be ready for it." I assure her with a smile.

She looks at me for a moment worried but then starts to smile back at me while I take her hand and gently squeeze it.

We give each other a kiss and then one LeRoy comes walking in with a box.

"Sorry to interrupt but, this just came for you." He says while handing the box to Penelope.

"Who's it from?" I asked her curiously.

"It's from my aunt Clarice." She says as she reads it from the card.

"Your aunt Clarice?" I ask.

"Yeah. I haven't seen her since I was eight. She's my mom's sister." She says while opening up the small deep green box and inside was a necklace that looked to be a blue-green-purplish colored stone that was attached to a beautiful medium length white gold chain.

"That's really pretty." I tell her.

"Yeah it is." She says while looking at it confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." She says while looking bewildered and then takes out a folded up paper and begins to read it to herself.

"What's it say?" I ask as soon as I notice her getting teary eyed.

"She says that this belonged to my great great grandmother and has been passed down to our family for centuries. She says she was sorry that she missed the funeral but thought I would like something very special and old from our family." She chuckles at the last part.

"That was nice of her." I say.

"It is." She smiles as she looks at it intently.

"Want me to help put it on?" I asked.

"Please." She smiles.

I have her turn and gently place the necklace around her neck and clasp it together.

"It looks beautiful." I comment.

"Thank you." She smiles again as she holds onto it as though she had lost it and it had just returned to her.

"Well, we should get going to your council to explain everything." I tell her.

"Well, what makes you think they already know?" She asks as she stands up off the couch.

"Really?" I ask her with an obvious look.

"Right." She chuckles a little.

We both then head out towards the car and make our way to her council. I mind-link the Head Elder of mine to meet us there since he wanted to to make sure things go alright.

However, when we get there and after beginning the meeting, we quickly find out that Cole doesn't wait until he's sixteen for the arena and Hybrid challenges. He has to do it in the next two months.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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