CHAPTER 29: Not My Penelope

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"Clarice." I replied.

I look over at the table and see Penelope shackled to the table but her eyes look cloudy and I can't see her pupils.

I hear the growl again and look back at Cole in a cell in his hybrid form, shackled to the wall.

"You're just in time for the big finale." She grins.

"It's over Clarice." I threaten before the guards start coming from every direction towards us and that's when I throw the first punch at one of the guards and then everyone starts joining in.

Not too much longer after starting the fight, I notice that Harrison and his pack come running in their wolf forms already while me and the rest of us all start shifting too. Except for of course Ellie who is kicking ass herself by fighting with magic.

After killing a couple of her people, I begin making my way towards my son's cell and begin to mind-link him.

"Son! Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah. But it's mom, dad they're trying to kill her and use her body to bring back someone named Rizelda." He tells me.

"I know. But don't worry, we'll save her." I assure him.

Then I bend the iron made bars on his cell apart and then cut through the chains with my claws and then it was one of the best moments a father and son could share together as wolves. We are both kicking ass together, almost like a team.

Watching him move the way he was trained made me very proud and impressed. For his age, to be as strong as he is and have all these amazing abilities as a hybrid, I couldn't be happier and more proud of him than I am right now.

We all continue fighting each other until almost all of her people are dead, with a few from Harrison's pack and one from my pack, dead as the rest of us are mostly badly hurt.

We all try to catch our breaths when I see Clarice bleeding from her mouth, nose, looks to have blood coming from her side.

"You're too late." She smirks at me. Then I look at the table and see that Penelope isn't on the table anymore. Where the hell did she go?

Then we all head off in different directions towards upstairs to look for Penelope.

Cole stayed with Ellie as she helped fix him up.

After almost ten minutes of looking and finding her nowhere, I finally look out in the backyard where I see she's standing a few feet from the entrance to the woods with her arms at her side as she stared towards the house, moving her mouth.

As I looked a little closer I could tell it wasn't her, it was Rizelda.

"You're too late. She's already gone. She'll stay forever in the underworld and be my servant for all eternity while she is tortured every minute." She says.

"It's over Rizelda." I begin. "Give me back my mate and I will send you back to hell." I tell her.

"You worthless little dog you. You wolves are all the same. You hunt and kill as part of your nature. Your kind has not suffered nearly as greatly by the hands of humans than ours have. Even our own kind betrayed me because they were afraid, just as you should be." She states.

"I'm not afraid of some old hag." I insult her.

She stares at me even more while quickly I notice a gust of strong wind begin to blow from behind her towards me and then I notice the trees begin to burn behind her.

"I call upon the ones beneath the earth
That lie and wait underneath the dirt
Rise from the underworld to here
And help me to rule the world with fear"
She chants.

I can't take it anymore. So I start sprinting towards her and she quickly tries to keep me back from creating a fire ring around her but I jump over the flames and land on top of her, stopping her from chanting and having the stone in her hand fall out.

She looks at me and then over at the stone before looking back at me again and kicking me off of her then trying to quickly crawl over towards the stone and as soon as she grabs it, that's at the same time I jump onto her back and bite deeply into her back but stop immediately after I realize that it's Penelope's body I'm biting deeply into also.

She takes advantage of me stopping myself and gets onto her back before quickly standing up with the stone and starts rubbing it and before she could start chanting whatever spell she was doing before, I jump onto her again but before I could do anything, I get thrown off by not her but an invisible force that also had put out the fire around us.

While getting up, I notice everyone running up to me while Ellie is walking towards Pene-Rizelda without blinking and with her hands up in front of her as I start noticing Rizelda struggling to get back up from the ground.

"Return to hell for all eternity
May you never be able to leave
May you forever and always dwell
In the firing pits of hell"

I hear Ellie repeat over and over again as I shift back into my human form and Cole tosses me a pair of clothes to put on then see Rizelda scream as she collapses onto her face on the ground soon after Ellie's chant.

While putting them on, I can't help but notice Rizelda's on the ground and Ellie is crying as she drops to her knees, holding Rizelda's head in her hands.

I quickly run to her side and see it isn't Rizelda that she's holding, it's Penelope again and once more, Ellie's mumbling something I can't hear entirely until I drop to the other side of Penelope.

"Splinter of life, take haste, take hold. Quicken the breath to awaken the soul." She says quickly a few times while placing her hand on Penelope's heart.

"Is she?" I begin to cry.

"I'm so sorry. I tried. But I'm too late." Ellie says while we both start sobbing and Cole along with the rest come walking over and tear up while they look at Penelope's lifeless body lay now in my arms.

When Cole kneels down beside me, he starts sobbing while crying out, 'No!' In disbelief as am I. All of us in fact. Because she can't be dead. I refuse to believe it. She has to wake up. She can't leave me. She can't leave Cole. Why isn't her heart beating?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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