CHAPTER 20: An Offering

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It was good to see my mate up and about since she has been not feeling well since that meeting the other day with the council.

When I was finished getting ready, I headed downstairs and while walking down, I heard Cole cry out 'MOM'!

I quickly run into the kitchen and notice Penelope has blacked out onto the floor. Not again, I thought to myself.

I try and lift her up as I sit behind her and then have Cole run to get LeRoy and have him call the pack doctor.

"Baby? Baby wake up." I begin while trying to wake her up.

It didn't take long for the doctor to get here and after spending almost an hour with her, he came out and had a confused look on his face.

"How is she?" I asked concerned.

He looked at Cole beside me and then looked back at me.

"We should speak in private." He says.

I nod my head in agreement while telling Cole to go downstairs and watch TV. Cole starts heading downstairs as me and the pack doctor head towards the office.

Once inside, I close and lock the door behind us.

"So what is it?" I begin.

"Alpha, I have studied all my life of witchery, between dark and light magic. I am one of the few doctors left in our world that can help almost any creature of any kind. But what I see in her, it's something I have never seen before." He begins with a worried look.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I have a friend that would know more about this than me. She is a healer and is a specialist in some things I don't have much knowledge of."

"Okay, but what do you think is wrong?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Maybe she's had a spell cast upon her or a curse. I don't know and I don't want to give you false information even theories." He says.

"Okay. So what happens now? How long til your friend can come?"

"I'm not sure. But don't worry, I'm sure I can try and have her be here within a couple of weeks. Although I'm hoping more towards next week." He tells me.

"Okay. What should I do or have her do in the meantime?"

"Just watch her. See if there's any changes." He suggests.

"Alright." I reply as I'm feeling a little more worried than the last time he checked on her. To be honest, I was also hoping that he would have an answer for me in what was wrong.

"Well, I better be going. And don't worry Alpha, whatever this is, we'll make sure she recovers." He smiles at me while grabbing his case of stuff.

After I walk him out of the front door, I close the door behind him and turn around and see Cole standing a few feet away.

"Is mom gonna die?" He asks me with so much worry and sadness that just broke my heart.

"Oh no son." I assure him while kneeling in front of him and hugging him. "Whatever this is, we'll help her get better." I smile at him.

"Okay." He nods.

The truth is, I'm scared as hell but I of course can't tell him that. He doesn't need to be worried about her or anything and needs to stay focused on his training some more.

So for the next several days, we continue training and to be honest, everyday I can see his improvement and how fast he has caught on with everything, including showing me what magic he can do, I can see just how advanced he is for both my kind and Penelope's. It's amazing.

Penelope has been on and off but hasn't blacked out but has been acting a little off. Before I assume anything I'm just doing what the doctor told me to do.

Today, I had dropped Cole off at the house after getting him from school and went to meet up with some of my pack.

"So what's going on?" I call out to my pack who are standing around our border waiting for me while talking.

"Alpha, we found something." One of my guys says.

"What?" I asked.

Everyone then stepped out of the way so I could see on the ground what looks to be a maroon colored powdered substance that behind it was several wrapped items.

"What the hell is it?" One of my guys asks me. "Is it part of some kind of a ritual?"

I kneel down and try getting a closer look. I pick up one of the objects that's wrapped in a white cloth with twine wrapped around it.  I start to unravel it and open it up and notice it's a nice gold looking trinket that looks to be ancient. Which you could tell was from probably the early 1800's from the rustic wear and tear of it. However, you could tell it was made out of real solid gold and that it was in the shape of something I had never seen before.

"Any ideas Alpha?" LeRoy asks me.

"I'm not sure but this looks familiar." I reply while looking at it some more and as soon as I flip it over, I immediately drop it and stand up.

"What?" LeRoy asks.

"The word on the back, I know what it says." I say while staring at the trinket with wide eyes.

"What does it say?" He asks me.

"Evil." I tell them. "These aren't just items for a ritual, but more of offerings." I say under my breath.

"What does that mean?" My Delta asks me.

"It means that something is coming. I need for you guys to tell no one about this and I want you all to guard this place and tell me if anyone or anything comes. I need to get back to the house." I tell them as I turn around and quickly begin walking back when I hear LeRoy come running up beside me.

"What are we gonna do?" He asks.

"I don't know. I'm hoping Penelope will know more about all of this."

I'm not sure what's going on or what exactly that meant but, I do remember learning about a few things when it came to the different types of magic and witchery, one of them being about offerings.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Things are about to get intense a little and maybe a little confusing for a short while before things come together and is explained. :);)

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