CHAPTER 26: Aunt Clarice's POV

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My oh my, has Penelope disgraced our family name with having a relationship with a werewolf. Then on top of that to have a child, let alone a hybrid together. Her parents never should have allowed her to go to a mortal-human school. That's when they get ideas.

For years I had tried to convince her mother to help me bring our great great grandmother, Rizelda, back since she never really lived long enough to have a life. Of course, Penelope's mother refused and then banished me from ever seeing her or her family forever. That's why I had to kill both her parents.

It was very easy blaming the death on werewolves when all I had to do was pay a rogue to kill them. It's amazing what rogues will do and not question.

"Ms. Clarice!" One of my servants called out to me as she came bursting through my bedroom door.

"What is it?!" I snap at her in frustration. I swear, she always interrupts me at the worst times. In particular, now though because I was in the middle of trying to create a spell for Cole so that he would lose all of his powers, strengths and abilities. After all, it was MY idea to have him fight in the arena sooner rather than wait until he was fifteen when it would be too late. Ha! I bet his parents haven't even trained him yet.

"Your niece is here." She says timidly.

"Good. Have the guards take her to my office, I'll be there in a minute." I tell her.

"Yes ma'am." She bows her head and leaves.

She's a human and petite young thing that had run away from her parents a few years ago when she was only fifteen years old and practically begged to become my apprentice when she saw me do a few spells.

Pff. Humans. Although I despise them all together and always have, they sometimes make very good servants. Especially this one. I promised her I'd help her become a witch, but really, why would I do such a thing and betray my ancestor's who were falsely accused and then burned at the stake or hung?!

Well, anyways, enough of that. For now I need to have a little talk with my niece before I have the honor in speaking to my great grandmother.

When finished fixing my clothes and hair real quick, I make my way downstairs into the office. Besides, this way I will already be presentable for the soon-to-be new queen of our kind.

As I step inside the office, I see Penelope tied down on a cushioned arm chair that is in front of the fireplace and that's across the chair I'll be sitting in.

"Hello Penelope." I greet her with a grin as I sit across from her.

"Clarice." She says with much distaste.

"You look so grown up." I try and make conversation but smart girl that she is, catches me.

"Tell me what you want." She says.

"Ooo, aren't we anxious?!" I replied sarcastically.

"What more do you want?" She begins. "Haven't you done enough?"

"Of course not. I'm just getting started." I tell her. "Besides, do keep in mind the greatness that will come from you doing this."

"Greatness? How could you call it that when you are killing me, you're only niece, to bring back someone that will create nothing but war and anarchy?!"

"It's such a shame that you don't understand the amazing opportunity you are being given. I thought by now she would have at least shown you enough about her intentions."

"Oh I've seen them. But I refuse to let you continue this. I will not let innocent people die from your ignorance and greediness for power. I will never give up my title to you. My parents didn't and neither will I." She says while glaring at me.

"We'll see about that. Besides, your parents were weak. In particular your mother. She just couldn't embrace her amazing gifts and abilities. She hid them as though she was ashamed of who she really was." I begin to tell her while trying not to yell.

"So you're trying to tell me that this is over the fact of you being jealous that my mother had all of the gifts that you never got?"

"You wouldn't understand. Your parents loved you and even took you in when you were pregnant by a werewolf. You've never done anything to try and seek their approval or their attention. You've never had a sibling that was better than you at everything without having to put effort." I stop as I feel myself beginning to get upset.

"You are so pathetic." She says.

"And you are almost dead. Which reminds me, is there anything you'd like for me to tell your son? Perhaps, goodbye?" I grin.

"You fucking bitch! Don't you dare touch him!" She snaps at me.

She struggles to break free from the rope around her wrists and ankles and gets close to breaking free from them until I motion to the guards to come and take her to the secret lair part that's almost like a dungeon. This will become the best sacrifice I have ever done.

"Oh and one more thing. Please say hello to your parents and tell them that I'm sorry for the way they died and hope they can forgive me." I tell her as I stand up to start leaving while my guards grab her and quickly untie her wrists and the rope around her ankles while putting shackles on her that have been used for centuries for our kind to help keep from her being able to use magic.

Now, there's just a few others I need to tend to before tonight's sacrifice.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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