CHAPTER 8: There Are Rules.....

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After the meeting, I swear all I wanted to do was punch my fists through the wall after hearing about my father's huge debt he left me before he died. I have never been close to my father and never knew my mother neither. However, I always did want to replace him and take away his title from him. When he died a couple years back, I took over and have been trying to clean up his mistakes and right as I feel I'm getting ahead, I am suddenly hit with this asshole here who happens to be the last person my father seemed to owe a debt to. Which in order to continue to keep my family's name clean still, after I already worked hard to get it that way, I now need to deal with this guy.

After the meeting was over I was about to tell LeRoy to go and get Penelope to come here because we needed to talk but decided not to because I was really mentally tired and wanted to make sure that when I talked to her and went over the rules with her that I was in the right state of mind so that nothing came out wrong. So I decided to wait until the morning.

Once I woke up the next morning, I got up and got ready for the day before heading downstairs to get some coffee and breakfast when I noticed there were empty bowls in front of two empty chairs and I could smell one of the scents as being Penelope's. Then I saw LeRoy come walking into the room.

"Morning Alpha." He greets me.

"Morning, LeRoy." I greet him back.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" He asks as he hands me some coffee that he just returned back from getting.

"Thanks. And before anything, I need for Penelope to meet me in my office so I can go over some rules with her." I tell him as I take a drink from the cup.

"Alright. I'll let her know when she gets back." He says as he walks passed me.

"Thanks.....Wait, she isn't here?" I asked.

"No. She went to drop off Cole at school. She'll be back soon." He tells me.

"She left without me?! Without anyone escorting them?!" I asked frustrated.

"No. What's the matter? Cole needs to still go to school and besides, it's not too far away from here." He assures me.

"Doesn't matter! She's breaking one of the rules." I exclaim.

"Woah, chill bro. Don't be that kind of a guy." He jokes.

I just shake my head and begin stomping back to my office and remind him to send her into my office.

I don't even listen to him reply. Instead, I just slam my office door as I pace back and forth trying to calm myself down before she returns. Now, in all fairness, she doesn't know the rules yet. However, it should be obvious after hearing the reason she's here to be protected, then to leave without having me, LeRoy or any one of my men with her. I swear that when she returns, I'm gonna make sure she knows and understands the rules.

Almost an hour passes by before I hear her talking with LeRoy and hearing him tell her to meet me in my office. Thankfully I have excellent and better more clear hearing than humans do as I can hear her reject his suggestion. In which that just infuriates me even more now.

So I swing open my door and start walking to where they're at and interrupt them.

"Where the hell have you been?" I scolded at her.

"Excuse me?!" She scowls at me.

"I'm just gonna leave for a while." LeRoy begins to nervously back up until he finally turns around and heads out the back.

"You are NEVER to leave without having either me, LeRoy or one of my men from the pack go with you!" I tell her.

"You're not in charge of me and you can't tell me what to do!" She snaps at me.

"The hell I can't. I don't think you understand the severity of importance it is to keeping you and Cole safe." I remind her.

"Nobody asked you to do that! Besides, he needed to go to school and there was no reason for you to do anything about it so I just took him. Would you like me to send you a text or a note to let you know where I'm going always?" She asks sarcastically.

"Yes. And I think now's a good time to go over the rules." I begin.

"Oh, this should be good." She says.

"First rule is to never leave without having someone else with you both. Second is to never and I mean NEVER let any other man touch you. Third, you are to tell me everywhere you both are going, who you're going with and when. Then fourth....." I was stopped by her.

"Let me guess, no sneezing without your approval, no wearing anything too short and too revealing and..." She started ranting on but I stopped her just as she had done with me.

"These are serious rules. In case you haven't noticed, you're in a very dangerous position right now and both you and Cole are under MY protection. So despite what you may think about them, you need to follow them no matter what!" I exclaim.

"Fuck you! You're not my father and you can't tell me what to do with my son!" She yells at me.

"He's my son too you know!" I snap back at her and she looks shocked and surprised.

"D-did he tell you?" She asks worried.

"No but it's obvious! I mean, he looks like me and everything." I tell her.

"Don't tell him." She tells me.

"Why not? Don't you think he'll find out anyways?" I mention.

"Yes, maybe, I don't know to be honest. But what I do know is that I'm not ready for him to know yet. Not until I figure things out." She begins to explain.

"Figure what out? He's my son that YOU have kept from me all this time!"

"That's not my fault. I never would have kept it from you if I hadn't caught you that day when I went over to try and tell you but caught you kissing the biggest slut in the entire school." She yells at me and immediately I'm confused. Then suddenly, I start remembering what happened that day and that slut she's accusing me of cheating on her with, she kissed me but I had pushed her off of me right away.

"That's not what it looked like." I tried to start and explain.

"Sure it wasn't. Such a cliche excuse don't you think?" She says before moving past me towards her bedroom and I hear her slam the door closed as I stand in the same spot thinking about what just happened.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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