Chapter 2: Meeting my best friend II

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Huh? Why is it so dark? I can't move! I was trapped inside some box. I felt around me until I found a handle. As soon as I twisted it, the door swung open. This caused me to fall out of the box, head first to the floor. "Owww!"

I sat up immediately. "Holy crap, my head really hurts." What happened just now? Why did I dream that I was inside some box? At least this dream was different... I've always had this one nightmare where I was in a completely dark room and I would feel something wrap around my neck so tightly to the point where I couldn't breathe. As soon as I would give up resisting, I woke up. It started occurring ever since that incident. I looked around to see white curtains all around me and noticed that I was lying in a white bed. "Am I in heaven?"

"No, but close." I heard a soft, but mature voice and saw a female peek through the curtains. Judging from her tight white dress and cap with a cross on it, she was either a nurse or a cosplayer of a nurse. "You're in the nurse's office, sweetie. You started bleeding then passed out." I immediately touched my forehead and felt a soft band-aid on it. I wonder if I look like an idiot right now. She handed me a cup of water and a couple of pills. "I contacted your grandmother and she gave me consent to hand you these pain-killers. Please." I thanked her and took them instantly swallowing the pills and gulping down the water. I hope this splitting headache disappears soon. "Although the bleeding must've been caused by a cut, your fall wasn't major so you should be fine by tomorrow."

"Thank you, Nurse...?"

"Nurse Hannah. You're welcome, Kaede." She looked at the clock on top of the door. "It seems like you're late for your first class, but I have a note for you, so you'll be excused." Darn... Late on my first day. All because I bumped into that boy.

"Speaking of... Was there a boy here?"

"Yes, actually he carried you here himself. So sweet of him. He wanted to stay to make sure you're okay, but I had to send him to his first class." My cheeks turned crimson red. He barely knows me, why is he so nice? "Anyways, you should head to your first class so you don't miss introductions and all that sweet stuff." I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic, but I nodded and took my backpack. I snatched the map and headed for the door.

"Thank you again, Nurse Hannah."

"It's my job. Please be careful next time." I nodded and left. I don't even know my first class... Oh right, the Upper School office. I looked at the map again and made sure to look in front of me while I was walking. The halls were so empty compared to this morning. I saw a bright red door with an "Upper School Office" label next to it. After a couple of knocks, the door suddenly swung open. I jumped back as a woman in a fancy business suit looked at me with cheerful eyes.

"Kaede Akamatsu! I've been waiting for you! Although, it seems you're a little late."

"I got caught up in a little mess, sorry."

"Oh you weren't fighting anyone were you? I do not permit violence or bullying of the sort! Especially on the first day of school!" I jumped back startled by her outburst. Someone put a little too much sugar in her coffee.

"No I wasn't!" I waved my hands frantically in the air until I realized she was just joking. Sighing, I said, "I'm sorry, but how do you know who I am?"

"I'm the Upper School Head. Of course I know all my students, especially the new ones! It's a tough competition applying for this school in your ninth grade." She's not wrong about that... It was me versus 400 other students for the 20 spots available. "But please, come in." I walked into the bright yellow room and saw her little desk area. There was a table with a jar full of candy. "Take some if you like. Now, you are here for your schedule and ID." She shuffled through her files and then pulled out a sheet of paper and a card. She handed them to me, and I cringed immediately at my picture. Could've been better, I guess. I looked at my first class on Mondays-biology.

I looked up at the lady and saw her ID hanging off of her suit. "Thank you, Miss Aiko. I should head out so I don't miss anymore of my first class."

"Yes of course, miss pianist." I immediately turned around perplexed. How does she know that information? From my application? "Kaede, please don't look so modest. You have a gift. I also have a piano bought from the school's budget last year so please use it! No one else does... It's on the first floor. " I tried to hide my surprise and the grin forming on my face. I do love the piano.

"I will. Have a nice day, Miss Aiko!" I left immediately so I wouldn't be held up in another conversation. Let's see, the science hall is on the first floor as well. The Upper School office is on the third floor so I gotta go downstairs. After a few frantic turns, I finally made it to the biology room. As I walked to the class, I looked through the window. Wow, what a small class. Looks like 15 students? Wait... I paused with my mouth agape. That boy is in my class!

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