Chapter 10: Getting to know my best friend V

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From the expression on his face, I could tell he did not expect that. He looked away blushing softly.

"Oh I couldn't..." I giggled at his shyness.

"Don't make me ask again, Shuichi. Please?" I asked with a soft smile on my face. He sighed and nodded getting out of his car. I pulled out my keys unlocking the door. "Hey, grandma! Just letting you know, Shuichi is here."

"Oh, my future grandson! Let me get changed into appropriate clothes." I coughed as Shuichi and I hung our jackets and took off our shoes.

"I-ignore that... I'll make some tea for us."

"Let me help you," Shuichi offered. I turned to him and nodded appreciating the fact that he didn't react to what my grandmother said. We entered the kitchen and started working on some snacks and tea. Shuichi was in charge of making sandwiches as I prepared the beverages. When we finished, my grandmother entered the kitchen. I gave her a big, but gentle hug. She looked behind me at Shuichi.

"Even cuter than before, my boy."

"Grandma!" I pouted a little embarrassed.

"You look lovely as well, Mrs. Akamatsu."

"You're too polite. Just call me Grandma." She patted Shuichi's head giving him a soft smile. Her eyes lit up when she spotted our snacks. "Kaede, your grandmother is a little hungry so she'll take a sandwich." She reached over and took a bite of what Shuichi made. "Kaede, what is this? It's so delicious!"

"Huh? Oh, Shuichi made those."

"A polite handsome young man who can cook." My grandma turned to me with a mischievous yet innocent grin. "He better be my future grandson."

"Grandma, we're just friends!" I pouted my rosy cheeks folding my arms.

"That's what your mother said when she met your father." She left the room and all I could do was let out an exasperated breath.

"I'm sorry about her. She's very open to sharing whatever is on her mind."Shuichi let out a chuckle causing my cheeks to redden more.

"I don't mind at all. We should get going so you can practice."

"Keeping me on task aren't ya?"

"Oh! I didn't mean-"

"I'm kidding!" We both headed upstairs with our plate of foods and drinks. We placed them on the desk next to my bed. I patted the open spot next to me. Shuichi hesitated, but then sat down. "Finally, I'm so hungry! Snacks are necessary before practice, you know?" We both laughed. I picked up a sandwich and took a bite out of it. "Mm! Shuichi this is amazing!"

"Is it? I'm glad to hear." He took a bite out of his sandwich and drank some tea.

"How did you manage to make such delicious sandwiches? I barely had any ingredients."

"Well, I only live with my uncle and his wife but sometimes it feels like it's just me. I ended up learning to cook for myself." He must be so lonely...

"I don't mean to pry, but where are your parents?"

"They're always overseas. One is an actor and the other a screenwriter."

"Wait, really? That's so cool!" I was astonished and wanted to learn more about him, but his face didn't show that same excitement. "I'm sorry, you must be lonely." He turned to me with a soft smile.

"I'm used to it by now. I don't really seem them as celebrities, but sometimes I forget that they are my parents. They're just people who have a hands-off approach on parenting." He told me more about them and I really felt like I got to know more about Shuichi.

     "Well, looks like it's time for me to share," I said leaning back to lie on my bed.

    "You don't have to, Kaede."

    "Of course not. 'It's because I want to'." I grinned mimicking his voice. We both laughed. "Now where to start? As you know I live with my grandmother. My grandfather died a couple of years ago."

     "I'm sorry, Kaede." He sounded extremely sincere; it was sweet and comforting.

    "Thank you, Shuichi. Now my parents..." I took a deep breath and sat up. I've never told anyone about my parents. I didn't want others to feel sorry for me or for others to know me as the girl who lost her mother and father. I was hesitant, but when I looked at Shuichi, I knew I could tell him. "They died when I was 9..." He didn't say anything. I reached for my pin and took it off showing him. "This was the last gift she gave me right before my piano competition. That's when it happened... While I was playing, we heard a huge crash come from backstage. Apparently, as they were leaving to sit in the audience, several stage lights fell and..." Before I could finish, Shuichi put a hand on mine. I looked up at him with blurry vision. I hadn't realized that I started tearing up, but I didn't stop there.

I wiped my tears with the hand he wasn't holding. "I stopped playing for years after that..." I looked at the black piano in my room. "But, I know my parents would've never wanted me to stop. I love the piano and I want to keep playing for them. So I started playing again a couple years ago. I know they'll always listen, through this." I put my hairpin back on and looked at Shuichi. He was looking down so his cap was covering his face.

"You're really strong, Kaede."

I let out a half-hearted laugh. "Why do you say that?"

"I could probably never touch the piano after that... You're a really strong girl." My eyes widened at his words and that's when I felt myself break. Strong... Tears started to fall down my face and I bit my lip to suppress my sobs. I'm not strong. Shuichi looked up in surprise. "Kaede! I'm sorry... Did I make you cry?" I shook my head laughing through my sniffles.

"I'm just... I'm not strong... I want to be for them, but I still can't get over it. It's all because of that stupid piano competition... I love the piano... But why couldn't it be something else?" I felt his arms wrap around me. Shuichi pulled me into a hug holding my head to his chest. "S-shuichi..."

"Kaede, please stop. You are not to blame for what happened. You love the piano and that will never be a bad thing. I know your parents wouldn't want you to blame yourself. They want you to keep playing like you are now. That's what a strong girl is." I didn't move or say anything. That's when I let down all of the walls I built up around me and sobbed in his arms. My tears continued to soak his shirt, but he just held me without another word. I never opened myself up to anyone before, but I felt so much better after doing so. Time passed and soon I felt myself fall asleep.

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