Chapter 32: Going on a date II

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I'm so excited to go on my first date with Shuichi! We planned to watch a movie that I had been dying to see. Since this was a date, I made sure to put on a little more makeup than usual. I styled and curled my hair, and clapped my hands when I completed my date look. With a short summer skirt and a sleeveless shirt, I picked up my shoulder bag heading downstairs. Once I opened the door, my eyes sparkled at the sight in front of me. Shuichi wore a button-up and shorts and his hair was glistening from a shower. He looked really attractive. I blushed when I noticed that he was looking at me up and down. "You look really cute, Kaede," Shuichi said softly.

"Thank you. You look great as well, Shuichi." We stared at each other in silence. The distant noises from the cars and the singing of the birds disappeared as we entered our own world where we could only hear and see each other. Suddenly, the sound a window slamming open caused us to turn our heads. My grandmother peaked out with a glare on her face.

"Kiss already!"

"Grandma!" My face turned extremely red and I ran into Shuichi's car. She giggled before closing the window. When Shuichi entered the driver's seat, he gave me a soft smile, but his cheeks were also flushed.

We held hands the entire time from entering the theatre to buying snacks to sitting in our seats. "I'm so excited, I've been dying to see this movie," I told Shuichi as we watched a series of commercials.

"I know, you've been non-stop talking about it." I pouted in embarrassment. Shuichi leaned in and kissed my cheek smiling softly. "You're so cute when you pout, Kaede." I couldn't help, but smile at his words. Is it strange that I find it satisfying when someone knows who you are and can recognize the little habits you have? We kept talking until the movie started. We would jump anytime our hands touched while eating popcorn. There was even a moment when we both leaned in to drink from the same cup. "Y-you go first, Shuichi." I could see him shaking his head.

"You go," he whispered. After taking a sip and seeing him lean in to drink with the same straw, my cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. Towards the end of the movie, there was a heated romance scene. The two protagonists started having sex causing Shuichi and I to shuffle in our seats. I looked around the theatre and saw faint shadows of couples kissing. I couldn't help, but glance at Shuichi. He was looking down at the popcorn although the intimate sounds echoed throughout the movie theatre. "D-do you feel a little uncomfortable?" I asked the black haired boy.

He looked up at me and nodded slightly. I turned and tried to continue watching the movie. Whenever they couple said 'I love you', I saw the scene as passionate than sexual. I couldn't help, but feel a weird, hot sensation throughout my body. I jumped as I felt Shuichi's hand on mine. My hand was resting on my lap, so his fingers brushing over my skin made me feel alarmed. He was looking straight at the movie, but his hand was holding mine. Is he turned on? The thought of that caused a giggle to escape my lips. I was interested to see how he would react, so I let go of his hand and put mine on his lap. Shuichi's eyes widened clearly surprised by my action. He looked at me with cheeks that were blaring red. I started inching my hand up causing him to let out a groan. This started making my cheeks red, so I stopped and started watching the movie. "N-not fair, Kaede..." Shuichi said in a shy manner. I couldn't help, but snicker trying to hide my laugh.

All of a sudden, I felt Shuichi's hand on my bare thighs causing my breath to hitch. His touch was pulsating my entire body so I slapped it away. "No, that isn't fair that you get to tease me like that," he whispered in my ear causing a shiver to run up my spine. I looked at him a little confused as to this new Shuichi I was seeing. He put his hand on my thigh again causing me to gasp. I put my hand on my mouth trying to suppress any sounds as his hand started moving up. My heart was racing heavily just like the other day. It's dark so no one can see, but just being in a public place... As soon as he reached under my skirt, a loud bang came from the movie causing both of us to jump and focus right back to the movie. E-eesh did that really just happen?!

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