Chapter 4: Getting to know my best friend II

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~Shuichi's POV~

"So we hanging Friday night?" Kaito asked.

"More like, are you gonna flake on us again?" Kokichi asked, as everyone nodded their heads.

"I am not a flak-". Before Kaito could even finish everyone said, "Yes you are."

"Whatever, this time I can't since we gotta show new guy over here the ropes." Kaito patted my shoulder. I smiled softly not knowing what to say. These guys just called me over and invited me to hang out on Friday. I had memorized the names of everyone in front of me - Kaito, Kokichi, Nagito, Hajime, and Makoto.

"Then it's settled. Friday, after school, my house." All the guys fist bumped which I reluctantly joined. They all separated their own ways besides Kaito and Kokichi.

"We got like 10 minutes left till class. What are you planning to do, Shuichi?" I shrugged, but then I heard a faint piano sound. It's beautiful.

"Hey, do you guys hear a pi-"

"Piano? Yeah, first time it's ever been played," Kokichi stated with his arms behind his head. For some reason, Kaede popped into my head.

"I'll go check it out. See you guys." I waved at them before heading downstairs following the melody. Once I reached the first floor, the piano became louder and that's when I turned to see her. Kaede was playing the piano while Maki and Miu were watching in complete awe. I felt the exact same way watching her. Not only did she play beautifully, but reading her expression, I could tell she was at home. I didn't realize I was just standing there until the song had ended. I immediately hid behind the wall so she wouldn't see me. It would be creepy if she just saw me watching. I think I'll just head to my next class.

~Kaede's POV~

I felt my finger linger on the last key in the melody. I took a deep breath and smiled at Miu and Maki. I was a little stunned by their expressions, but smiled when they started clapping. "Thank you." I glanced at the entrance of the door, then looked back at them. I thought I saw someone there.

"Kaede, that was fucking awesome!" Miu exclaimed jumping up and down.

"'Oh, I'm alright I guess'," Maki mimicked causing me to blush.

"Oh stop, guys! You're making me blush." Miu looked at the clock in the piano room.

"Oh shit! We got class in 5 minutes!" My eyes widened as I pulled out my schedule.

"I have English with Ms. Furukane! Where is that?" Maki and Miu exchanged glances grinning. What are they grinning about?

"Kaede that is about to be your best class ever because you have it with us!" Before I could reply to that, they pulled my hand and we ran up to the top floor. We stopped at the entrance of the class breathing heavily. I scanned the class and saw that desks were in groups of 5. We headed to an empty group and sat down giggling. Everyone filed in, but sat in their own groups leaving two empty seats next to us.

An older lady walked in. She had grey hair tied in a messy bun and a petite figure that reminded me of a cute granny. Yet, once she fixed her glasses, she sent a horrifying glare at all of us. "I know that this class should've filled up all the seats. Who is late?!" Wow, these teachers have such a big thing on being late... As soon as she asked, two boys entered the room yawning. "State your names and why you were late." One boy let out a little shriek while the other looked calm and collected.

He then started speaking, "I apologize for being late, Ms. Furukane. Might I say you look lovely today. Not a day over 40." Ms. Furukane started blushing letting out a giggle.

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