Chapter 9: Getting to know my best friend IV

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When we returned to school that Monday, it felt like we were all closer. The only exception was Shuichi and I. We didn't text each other the entire weekend and I was dreading the first class with him. Was it a mistake? It's not like I kissed him, he kissed me! I touched my lips again remembering the warm, soft feeling. No, no, he's my friend! I cannot think about him like that! It's not like he likes me. I wonder if he regrets it. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw the one girl that wasn't at the amusement park with us. "Morning, Maki." She looked up from her phone giving me a small wave. "Why weren't you at the amusement park with us?"

"I had things to take care of," she stated coldly. I wonder what her life is like. "Did I miss anything important?" Not really, except for the fact that Shuichi and I kissed.

"Well Kokichi and Shuichi made up!" Her expression didn't change, but it seemed like she was thinking about something. "Nothing much happened since we split into two groups. The boys went to go flirt with girls at a café and we decided to ride roller coasters until Tenko got sick." Maki chuckled at the last part.

"Did you and Shuichi have some alone time?" My eyes widened at that question.

"Huh? Where did that come from? Why would we?" Maki gave me a confused expression and I realized how suspicious I sounded. "I-I mean not really. We did go on a ferris wheel together, but that's it." Lies, but I couldn't tell anyone. The black-haired girl didn't say anything afterwards and we split ways to our different classes. I took a deep breath as I saw Shuichi sitting at his usual spot. "Hey, Shuichi."

"Hey Kaede." We made small talk before class started. He's pretending like it never happened. Does that mean he regrets it? My heart sunk at the thought of that, but I understood why he would feel that way. We are just friends. I sighed and turned back to Shuichi with a smile.

"By the way, what were you and Kokichi talking about on the roller coaster?"

"He apologized and said he was just joking around."

"I thought as much. Are you guys good now?" He nodded. I felt relieved that Shuichi made up with him.

"Do you regret going to the amusement park, Kaede?" I was surprised by his question and quickly shook my head.

"No, not at all! I haven't spent time with a group of friends like that in a while. It was a lot of fun." He gave me a half smile. I had a feeling that he was asking about the kiss, but what if I said I liked it? What would happen to our relationship? How did he feel? The teacher walked in and we started class.

When free time came, Shuichi and I headed to our normal hangout spot. We were surprised to see everyone there already, including two extra people. "Can you losers get out? It's my table. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Sorry, I didn't know cows owned tables," Kokichi replied.

"C-cow?!" Miu stuttered, obviously hurt. Shuichi and I sat down not saying a word.

"Besides that, we're friends now so we should be able to sit here," Kaito said proudly.

"Friends? As if I would be friends with degenerate males. You guys just tagged along to mess wi-."Mikan immediately shut Tenko's mouth with her hand.

"Mess with what?" I asked. Maki's face showed clear amusement.

"They wanted to mess with me having a fun time!" Miu answered. Tenko and Mikan just nodded.

"You guys are acting weird." I didn't question any further. "Anyways, you know how I play the piano?"

"Wait, you're the one who played the piano the first day of school?" Kokichi asked standing up amazed. I jumped back, but nodded hesitantly. "Wow, Shuichi wasn't that just a sight?" I looked at Shuichi confused.

"What is he talking about?"

"I didn't tell you, but on the first day, I remember hearing the piano playing and decided to look for it. That's where I saw you," he said looking away blushing. He saw me playing?! "You were amazing, Kaede." I turned crimson red and my heart was racing, again. His words were echoing in my head. Why do I keep feeling this way? He looked back up at me and we stared into each other's eyes.

"Ahem, so why did you ask?" Kokichi asked. We immediately snapped out of our gaze and Shuichi cleared his throat.

"Right, sorry. I'm entering a small competition this Friday and I was wondering you guys wanted to come watch."

Mikan jumped in excitement. "Of course we would! Miu told me how awesome you are so I'm so eager to hear!" I blushed looking at Miu.

"Hey, I told you you're freaking awesome so why hide it? You gotta be confident like me! I know I'm hot, smart and got hella talent!" Miu exclaimed heartily.

"Talent at being a whore?" Kokichi questioned.


"I would like to go as well," Maki said quietly.

"Me three!" Tenko put her hand on her chest giving me a big grin. I had the biggest smile on my face. I've never had such supportive friends before...

"We would go, but boys night you know?" Kaito said. Kokichi then elbowed him in the stomach.

"We can miss one night. We have to support our friend, Kaede." Kaito gave Kokichi a confused expression. I was also suspicious of his sudden kindness. Why is Kokichi being so nice? Is this his way of apologizing for earlier?

"Fine, if it's for Kaede." Kaito gave me a thumbs up and a big grin. The only person I didn't hear from was Shuichi.

"I'll be there as well, Kaede." His response gave me the most comfort.

"Thank you, all. It means a lot for you guys supporting me." Look, mother. I really think I've made amazing friends coming to this school. They're supporting me just like you did.

The long week had passed and soon the competition was a day away. I was still thinking about my kiss with Shuichi, but neither did he nor I mention it. Although the moment was ingrained in my head, I felt relieved that I still had my best friend. When my last class ended I headed for my locker. This is my last day to practice. As I was about to leave the school, I heard Shuichi call out my name and turned to see him catching up to me.

"Hey, Shuichi! What's up?" He rubbed the back of his neck looking away.

"Are you heading home now?"

"Yeah, I gotta practice for the competition tomorrow."

"Do you want a ride home?" My heart skipped a beat and my face felt warm.There you go being kind again... What am I supposed to think?

"You don't have to, Shuichi..." He was still looking at the ground and my gaze was on his lips, but I immediately looked away.

"Of course not. I offered because I want to." He gave me a sweet smile and although I knew I should've, I couldn't say no to that. When we walked to his car, he opened the door for me. I noticed all the little things he did like offering to help other students when they didn't understand a problem or keeping the door open for someone who may be a few feet away from the entrance. Shuichi is your typical nice boy, but that's all I knew about him. What is his past like? Why is he the way he is? Questions were floating through my head when suddenly, a thought appeared. Wait, is Shuichi coming into my house? No, he just offered to drop me off. As he was parking in front of my house, thoughts were racing through my head. "Here we are. Good luck, Kaede." I smiled at him. I guess not.

"Thank you for the ride, Shuichi." As I was stepping out of the car I noticed that he didn't move from his seat confirming my thought. Relief fell over me, but then a strange feeling of disappointment sunk in. It's not like you want him to come in. Just go into your house, Kaede. You can't let Shuichi get anymore closer to you. I sighed knowing I would regret my next decision. I turned around. "Do you want to come in?"

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