Chapter 33: Girl's Night Out I

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~ Shuichi's POV ~

As soon as Kaede closed the door to her house, I let out a sigh of relief congratulating myself on the successful date. Everything went smoothly. Thinking back to her smiles and adorable expressions, I knew no amount of money could be worth it. I let out a chuckle remembering her facial expression when the waiter brought our food and drove home contemplated on our second date. 

I was ready to unwind once I stepped into my house. "Someone was out late." I looked and saw my uncle. "Were you with, Kaede?"

"Ohh, who's Kaede? Your girlfriend?" my uncle's wife asked. She tried to fit the role of my mother since my parents were always away. I didn't need that, though.

"Yeah, I was on a date with Kaede."

"Tell us about it! What did you do? How far did you go~?" I cringed at the change of tone in her voice. I simply shook my head not wanting to continue the conversation.

"N-nothing, it was a normal date. I'm gonna go to bed, good night." Before either of them could reply, I ran upstairs to my room. I took off my shirt and lied on my bed. I heard my phone buzz and eagerly checked to see if it was Kaede. My eyes widened at the message I received. 

???: Well that wasn't nice blocking me. I'm warning you. Kaede is no good. If you don't want your heart broken you should break up with her.

Shuichi: This is a joke, right?

I immediately switched to the boys' text chat.

Shuichi: Real funny. Stop with the joke now, whoever it is.

Kaito: You high?

Hajime: What are you talking about?

Shuichi: I know one of you is messaging me weird shit.

Makoto: I had that once! Don't click on the links, they're viruses.

Kaito: Not me.

Hajime: Same.

I frowned slightly and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I returned, my phone had another notification.

???: Aww you think I'm joking. I'm just looking out for you, Shuichi. Kaede has only ever wanted to be a pianist. You're just a distraction for her. Do you have any idea about her family situation? Do you even know about her parents? 

This person knows about Kaede's situation. 

Shuichi: I will always support Kaede in what she does. What she tells me is none of your concern. 

???: Don't you want to be a detective? You two will only get in each other's ways. High school love never lasts.

My eyes widened and I felt my body tense up. 

Shuichi: Who are you?

???: Your secret admirer <3

I'm done playing games. I exited the chat and scrolled for the block button.

???: Oh and I wouldn't try blocking me. Or there will be consequences.

Such a childish prank. I blocked the contact and looked back at the boys group chat. These guys are gonna get it tomorrow. I put my phone on the desk and closed my eyes. Although I told myself that it was a prank, I couldn't help, but wonder if that was true. Who is this person? How did they get my number? Why are they trying to separate Kaede and I? After questioning myself several times I gave up and fell asleep.

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