Chapter 16: Getting to know my best friend VII

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He took my hand and I followed him downstairs. My eyes widened when he opened the gigantic red door to reveal a movie theater room. Why am I even surprised at this point? Shuichi is really humble about how much money he has. We sat in the front and searched through a random set of movies until we decided on a couple comedies.

We were constantly laughing and soon I forgot about all of the nightmares. I turned to look at Shuichi. What you said back there... It made me want to jump into your arms and kiss you... I didn't end up learning about you, but maybe that's a sign. When you're comfortable enough to tell me, I'll be right here. I'll also take your nightmares away. Shuichi turned to look at me. Although it was hard to see, we just stared into each other's eyes. This is it... I saw him leaning in close to me, so I closed my eyes.

"Food's home!" We both jumped and looked opposite directions blushing.

"W-we should see what he's talking about," Shuichi offered. I nodded and we paused the movie walking into the kitchen. Shuichi's uncle laid out Chinese food on the table. I did a little cheer causing all of us to laugh. We ate at the dining room and I got to know a little bit more about Shuichi's uncle. He's actually a detective so I'm assuming Shuichi's desire to become a detective started with his uncle. He told me about his cases and how he always wants to make sure everyone is satisfied by the end of the day. I could see who Shuichi picked up his kindness from. I wonder what his parents are like.

Shuichi and I returned to the theatre room, but I couldn't focus on the movies. "Shuichi, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," he replied.

"How many exes do you have?" I could hear him almost choke holding his mouth as he looked away. "That many?" I asked laughing.

"N-no! I've never actually dated someone before," he said quietly.

"No way! I don't believe that there isn't one girl who tried to get with you. You're such a sweet guy!"

"I just didn't want to focus on that kind of thing during school, you know? I know relationships in elementary school and even in high school don't last. I want to be able to give the girl I love my full attention and if I'm caught up trying to get into a nice college and then a decent job, I can't do that."

"You want to start dating when you're past 22?" I asked in disbelief. He put his hands in front of him shaking his head.

"N-not that. I just don't want to spend time on something that may distract me from my future."

"That's not a way of looking at it! When you're dating someone, they'll be your number one supporter that'll keep pushing you to do what you want. You're young, Shuichi. You can't expect to dive into a real relationship without having fun with little ones when you're young." He didn't reply and I just sat in my seat sighing.

"What about you, Kaede? How many exes do you have?"

"Uhh, probably like 3," I said thinking to myself. "Didn't last long of course."

"What did you do?"

"What do you mean? We just hold hands and kiss." I started laughing as Shuichi looked away embarrassed. I shook my head looking at him. He looks so cute when he's embarrassed. I thought back to when he was shirtless. "No, we did stuff like this." I leaned in and kissed Shuichi's cheek. This was the second time this happened. I'm not sure why, but when he told me he's never had an ex, I felt satisfied. Even if he doesn't plan on having one soon, I feel like I can get as close as I want with him.

"K-kaede!" He jumped back turning super red.

"You're so cute, Shuichi. It's only a kiss on the cheek. Wait..." If Shuichi's never dated anyone, does that mean he's never kissed someone before? "Shuichi, was I your first kiss?"

Even though it was dark, I could see how red his cheeks were turning. "Well..." He looked away, but it made me more curious.


"Is it bad if I said yes?" I was surprised by how embarrassed he seemed.

"Not at all! I'm honored, but why me?"

"I... It was... I don't know... Do you regret it?" I felt guilty by how flustered he became, but it made me happy in the same time. I got up from my seat and walked in front of him. When he turned towards me, I sat on his lap. "K-kaede!"

"Shh..." I put my finger on his lips looking straight into his eyes. "Don't ever ask something stupid like that again. I don't regret it. I never will, in fact, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Our kiss was different from any kiss I've ever had. It was warm, soft, but electrifying. It made me want more. It made me feel so happy and I felt so much closer to you."

"Kaede... I felt the same way..." I smiled and leaned in close to him. "Can I kiss you again?" I giggled. You're still so polite, idiot.

Just like on the ferris wheel, I closed my eyes and that's when I felt his lips again. This time it was deeper because we both knew what was happening. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer and he put his hands gently on my hips. My heart was beating rapidly. After a few seconds, we pulled away breathing heavily. "Shuichi..."

"Kaede..." I smiled when he called out my name, but he looked away.

"What's the matter?"

"What will happen to our relationship now?"

"Shuichi... Now it's my time to ask. Do you regret the kiss?" He shook his head quickly.

"No! I'm just worried this was in the moment and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have." I smiled and put my hand on his chin turning him to face me.

"On the first day of school, I promised you that we would be friends no matter what." I leaned in and hugged him tightly. "I love this relationship we have where we support each other, where we can talk about everything, and work together. We do need to focus on our futures, but we don't need to rush this." I felt his arms wrap around my back holding me firmly in his embrace.

"Thank you, Kaede..."

"No, thank you, Shuichi. I've never been closer to someone before and in such a short time. I don't want to lose what we have." We stayed like this for a while enjoying each other's presence in silence. It wasn't until a gunshot came from the movie in the background that made us separate and laugh returning back to what we were originally doing in the theatre room.

After a few minutes, I had to bring up what was on my mind. "I'm sorry, Shuichi, but I just can't believe I'm your first kiss. I totally thought you were a chick magnet. I mean girls are always looking at you!"

"I haven't noticed," he said. "There was only one time when a girl gave me chocolates for Valentine's day but I'm sure it was as friends." I sighed.

"You know, we did talk about no boyfriend or girlfriend, but it doesn't hurt to at least go on one date to try it out."

"Would you consider this a date?" I started blushing immediately.

"W-well... Uh..." He laughed at how flustered I got.

"I'm kidding, Kaede. It's whatever you want it to be." I pouted my cheeks in embarrassment. We stopped talking about it and finished the rest of the movie.

Evening soon came, so Shuichi dropped me off at my house. "Today was really fun, Shuichi."

"It was. I really enjoy hanging out with you, Kaede. I'm glad we can still be friends after all of this." I nodded in agreement and gave him one last hug before reaching for my keys.

"Oh, before I go. Miu said she's having a birthday party next week. Can you pick me up?"

"Of course. Good night, Kaede." I headed into my house and fell onto my bed. Wait, I'm wearing his sweater! I'll just return it Monday.

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