Chapter 27: Breaking the news I

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Thank you for waiting! Enjoy the story!

It was so comforting to have Shuichi's arms wrapped around me, and my heart would flutter whenever he looked up to kiss me from time to time. "Hey, Shuichi? What time is it?" I asked interrupting our kiss. Shuichi huffed out an adorable sigh, but didn't say anything. Although his head was rested against my chest peacefully, I knew he could feel my heart beating a million times per second. He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"5:45," he said.

"Wow, we've been like this for a couple of hours." We let go of each other sitting up.

"Can we go back to kissing?" he asked politely. I giggled putting my finger on his mouth.

"Shuichi, I didn't know you were such a kisser. " His face started to turn crimson red. He immediately looked away causing me to laugh.

"It's because your lips feel amazing..." It was my turn to blush. I put my hand on his and leaned into him.

"I'm not complaining. I'm really happy in fact." My genuine words caused him to turn around and I immediately tackled him so we could kiss again. It was short-lived making him slightly pout. This was a side of Shuichi I never expected. Maybe it's because I'm his first girlfriend. It's adorable.

"Why did you ask, Kaede?" I looked up at a red dress hanging on my closet. We both sat up.

"I borrowed this dress from Rantaro's mother so I wanted to return it back." His facial expression didn't change, but he seemed to have several thoughts in his head. "But before I do, I have a question." He turned towards me. "Why is Tsumugi staying at your place?"

He sighed. "I wish I knew. She just came over and told me that her and my mother were working on a project so my mother offered to let her live with us while they work on that. It'll only be till the end of this year."

"How did the school allow her to just come in the middle of the year? Didn't you know her before this?"

"I think the whole situation is weird, too, but whenever I mention it she changes the subject. We were childhood friends, but I moved because my uncle decided to take care of me since my parents were so busy." He was looking out the window while talking and I couldn't help, but gaze at his eyes. I had more questions, but at that moment I didn't care about Tsumugi anymore. I felt like I knew little about him. There was one item that caught my attention. I grabbed his cap, and put it on my head. This caused Shuichi to turn towards me in utter shock.

    "Hey, now that we're dating you have to tell me why you wear this."

     "Uh... Fine, I'll tell you when I pick you up." I thought about it then nodded. "Can I get my hat back now?" I used my other hand to ruffle through his messy jet-black hair.

      "But you look so much better without it."

       "K-kaede..." His voice was pleading, making me feel guilty. I put his hat back on his head. He smiled at me. "Thank you, I promise I'll tell you when we get back home." I blushed a little at his choice of words. He realized what he said, his face tinting in the same color. "I- I meant your h-house not like our home..." He trailed off looking away. He drove me to Rantaro's house and sat in the car while I quickly dropped off the dress. I knocked on the door and it only took a few seconds for Rantaro to open the door. His shirt was clearly oversized and hanging from his shoulder. He looked like he just got out of bed, but when he noticed that the person who knocked on the door was me, he quickly fixed his hair and his shirt.

"Kaede, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Sorry, I just wanted to return this dress. I washed it already." He took the bag staring at it.

"You could've kept it. I don't think my mother would remember it over the hundreds of other dresses she has." I shook my head smiling at him.

"I still couldn't accept it. It would be like you gave me a gift and I can't accept that unless it's a special occasion. Not only that, but it's really expensive looking so I could never accept that. Anyways, I have to go. Shuichi's waiting."

"So you both made up?" he asked.

"Yeah! We're actually dating now." He looked surprised, but immediately smiled.

"I'm glad you're happy, Kaede."

"Thank you for comforting me and being so understanding." I waved him off and headed out the door not looking back to see the frown on his face. I entered the passenger's seat with a big grin on my face.

"Something good happen?" Shuichi asked with a genuine smile on his face.

"Yeah, reminding myself that I'm dating you." We both kissed and headed off to my house.

The drive home seemed to be shorter this time. Am I a little anxious to find out more about Shuichi? No, why would I? We're dating now, I should already know a lot about him. I shook my head causing Shuichi to glance at me. "Everything alright, Kaede?" I looked at the black-haired boy nodding my head.

"Ignore me! I'm just thinking."

"About love?" I felt a wave of deja vu as if this moment occurred before. We parked in front of my house and entered it heading straight to my room. As soon as we took the first steps into my woman cave, I turned to Shuichi. He seemed a little lost in thought to notice.

      "Hey, remember when I asked you what you were thinking about? Like earlier this week? You mentioned dating, but never told me more." He didn't react to what I said. A little irritated, I snapped my fingers in front of him.

"Oh sorry. What were you saying?"

"Geez..." I pouted then took his arm and sat him next to me on my bed. I asked him the same questions.

"Wow you remember that? Well... I was thinking about you. Remember how your words stuck to me? That I should go on a date? Well I've been thinking about trying that with you even though we weren't dating at the time."

"Is that really it?" He nodded innocently. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him resting my head against his. "Let's go on one then." The boy in front of me nodded softly not to break the closeness of our faces. I quickly took his cap off his head and secured it on mine. I ruffled through his hair making him turn crimson red. "Now that that's over... Shuichi. Tell me about your cap."

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