Chapter 31: Going on a date I

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Announcement: I'm sorry I should've said this last Monday, but I will only be updating on Monday's. As you have noticed, the recent chapters contain new content and so will these ones so I want to make sure they come out the best they can be. I hope you understand. Thank you!

"Yes, her." It took only two words to send a familiar face to mind and a wave of memories. Junko would do anything to get her victory. It's a miracle that I won last year. Who knows about this year? I felt my body shaking as I thought about her, but once I turned towards Shuichi, all my fears and worry disappeared. I have support from my friends and that's all I need. Shuichi glanced up at me and gave me his signature smile. The same smile he gave me the first day we met, the same smile he gave me each time I played the piano, and the same smile he gave me every time we made eye contact . I sat down on his lap as he placed his head on my shoulder wrapping his arms around mine.

"I already told you, Ms. Ta- sister. I will practice and I'll make sure to win again."

"That's the confidence that I love. You show them girl. I'll check up on you in a couple of weeks. Let me know the song you'll be playing."

"You got it!" I hung up and threw my phone on the bed relaxing against Shuichi's chest. "Hey, Shuichi. I have a really big competition next month and-"

"Be there to support you? Of course..."

"I was gonna say, can you help me get my mind off of it?" Shuichi gave me a confused look, but then blushed when he understood my request. I turned my head and made contact with his lips. The kiss was passionate and hot causing all of my thoughts to disappear leaving only the feeling of Shuichi on my mind. His tongue came into contact with my lips causing a gasp to come out of my mouth. I immediately blushed looking away. Shuichi was a little stunned at the sound I made.

"Do you want to stop?" he asked, but I shook my head and leaned in to kiss him again. He put his hand on the back of my head as his other hand entangled it's fingers with mine. He held me softly so that he wouldn't hurt my hands, but firm enough to remind me that I'm all he wants. I opened my lips and as soon as I did his tongue gently entered my mouth. My heart was beating a million times faster than normal. His taste, his touch, his scent, it was intoxicating. I slowly turned my entire body around and pushed him down to lie on the bed with me on top.
His hand that was on my back slowly slid down, but stopped at my hips. My fingers were in his hair and then another moan escaped my lips, yet that only caused us to go faster and our kiss became firm and heated. I wanted more. I started sliding my hand up his chest under his shirt causing a groan to escape his lips. That only caused my body to become even more heated. My lips parted his and my head lowered to place small kisses on his neck.

"K-kaede..." The sound of my name escaping his lips was laced with lust and love, but all of a sudden I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw black all around me.

"S-shuichi?" In that moment, I felt my air pipes cut off. I can't breathe! I grabbed onto my neck, but could feel nothing as if invisible rope was strangling my neck. No, not again... My hands fell down to my waist as I closed my eyes succumbing to the pain.

My eyes opened and I let out a loud gasp. Shuichi was right under me with wide eyes of concern. I was breathing heavily gasping for the air that was once not accessible to me. "Kaede what happened!?" Shuichi immediately sat up with me. I was completely speechless and my body wouldn't stop shaking. The nightmares! They're back!

"No!" I screamed shaking my head. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" I felt arms wrapped around me and hold my head softly.

"Kaede, I'm here..." My heart immediately calmed and I felt my body relax. "You're safe with me..." I felt tears well up in my eyes as I hugged him tightly. It took a few minutes for me to fully regain composure, but Shuichi didn't say one word. He just kept holding me without asking what happened.

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