Special Chapter: Winter Resort I

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~ Shuichi's POV ~

"Dude, this ski trip is going to be so much fun!" Kaito cheered. Our first winter school trip was a private three day ski resort. "First one to the bottom of the hill gets $50 from each of us!"

"Well, I can't. I injured my foot," Kokichi stated.

"Or you just don't know how to ski and you can't admit it." Hajime murmured. Kokichi gave him a quick glare signaling that he hit the nail on the coffin. Kaito started laughing hysterically.

"If I have to, I will push you down the mountain."

"Then you better pay for my hospital bill." The boys started their usual bickering. I sighed looking out the window of the bus. Why did they have to separate the girls and boys? As soon as I asked, the girls' bus drove right next to us, and through the window right across from me was Kaede. A smile formed on my lips when she turned and saw me. A gorgeous grin adorned her face as she waved at me. I gave her a shy wave feeling my heart skip a beat. She pointed towards her phone and I picked up mine.

Kaede: I was just thinking about you.

I couldn't help, but blush softly.

Shuichi: Me too.

Kaede: I wish they didn't have to separate us.

I looked back at her and smiled again.

Shuichi: There's a few minutes before we have to check in at the hotel. Do you want to hang out?

Kaede: Is that even a question, idiot? :P

She stuck her tongue out then giggled causing me to laugh as well.

"What's so funny, Shuichi?" Makoto asked. I turned to the boys and shook my head.

"Nothing. I'm looking forward to this trip." Suddenly, a thought came to my mind. I googled restaurants nearby the hotel and, luckily, there was one 10 minutes away from the hotel. I can take Kaede there if I win the race. "Hey, guys. Include me in on the race." All of the guys were surprised for a second before they let out a cheer. After a couple of hours, we reached the ski resort. The air was cold, but there was no wind, so beautiful snow flakes floated in the sky. I smiled when I saw Kaede admiring the sky reaching her hand out for a snow flake. I walked up to her and took her bag for her.

"Oh, Shuichi, you don't have to." I shook my head.

"It's fine. Let's place it in the hotel then walk around." The hotel was a gigantic log building with a gorgeous chandelier in the middle of the lobby. Everyone relaxed in the room while Kaede and I snuck out. "Shuichi, this place is beautiful. I'm really excited for this trip!" I nodded in agreement.

"Did the girls make any plans during our free time?"

"Yeah, they wanted to check out the spa. I didn't want to respond until I knew what you were doing." I blushed softly and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Go ahead. The boys and I are doing a ski race." She shook her head.

"You guys are always so competitive." We talked as we circled the hotel scanning possible activities during the three days we will be here. Once we reached the doors to the hotel, Kaede pulled at the bottom rim of my jacket. When I turned around, her cheeks were completely red and she was gazing into my eyes.

"Kaede, are you not feeling well?" Her eyes widened and she shook her head quickly then looked away.

"N-no! Shuichi... I hope we can hang out a lot." I blushed softly and turned my entire body towards her.

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