Chapter 21: Jealousy of a best friend IV

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    I brushed my teeth and hair before Rantaro arrived. I picked out my outfit and packed all of the ingredients making sure I had every single one. A few minutes after finishing up, Rantaro messaged me. I walked outside of my house to see his car parked. "Morning, Rantaro!"

He yawned. "Morning, Kaede."

"Someone just got out of bed," I teased. He quickly fixed his hair making me laugh. "I'm kidding, you just seem a little sleepy."

"Yeah, I normally don't get up this early in the morning."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"Why are you apologizing? We need time to make this cake so it's fine." I nodded. We headed off to his house which was also large like Shuichi's. These rich kids... We dropped our shoes off at the front of his house as he threw his key in a bowl nearby the door.

"Big brother is home!" The two little girls ran, but stopped as they saw me. "You're that girl!" They smiled and hugged the both of us.

"Hey, you two," I said smiling.

"She has a name, Yuki." The girl looked at me and thought for a second.

"Oh I remember! Kaede!" I nodded clapping my hands. The other little girl was still holding onto my rompers hugging my waist.

"K-ka.. ae... de... Kaede." She struggled at first, but soon got it. I reached out my hand for a high-five.

"Exactly!" She gave me a high-five giggling.

"Okay, girls, we have work now."

"Aww. But you said you'd make cake for us!" they both whined. I looked at Rantaro then back at them.

"We will, I promise." I put my pinky out surprising the little girl.

"Woah... A pinky promise..." She put her pinky through mine locking my promise.

"I like your girlfriend, brother!"

"H-hey!" Rantaro exclaimed. They both ran away giggling. "Eesh..."

"You're right; they are like my grandma." We both smiled at each other before leaving to the kitchen. "Okay, first the cake, right?"

"Yeah, I assume that this will take a couple of tries to get right, so we should make three cakes." I nodded and we started immediately. We didn't talk much, but I definitely felt like Rantaro and I were bonding.

"Kaede, can I get the flour?"

"Yeah, could you pass the sugar?" We both turned towards each other handing the items we needed. I couldn't help, but smile at him. He returned the same expression. Once the three cakes were placed in the oven, we wiped our foreheads taking a breath. "Phew, well that parts over."

"Yeah, but we've got time since we have to let the cakes cool down after baking." I nodded and we headed towards the bathroom to clean up until, a banana peel?! I felt my body start falling backwards closing my eyes to embrace for impact. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me instead so I slowly opened my eyes. "Kaede, are you okay?" Rantaro had that same worried expression as yesterday. Our faces were close to each other and his firm hold onto my body made me blush a little. I nodded and he slowly lifted me up. We were standing very close to each other. How did I manage to get into this situation again..?

We turned at the sound of clapping. Rantaro headed towards that direction. I followed after looking at the ground so I don't slip again. "Did you girls put that banana peel there?"

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