Thank you

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Surprise! I wrote two more chapters than I expected , but ending it at 50 is better than 48 anyways. Wasn't that a roller coaster of emotions? I sure hope so cause I even got all emotional ;w;

A few years ago, I didn't believe that I would be finishing my first ever story. While yes, it is a fan fiction, I still treat this as my first romantic book. I never would've gotten here without all of your support so thank you. Your sweet and encouraging words and your funny,  observative, sweet, and heartfelt comments always made my day. 

There were also comments that corrected me on the many mistakes I made. Even after rewriting this story, I can't believe I still messed up XD. Thank you, though. I really appreciate these types of comments as well because they help me improve as a writer. The next time I approach a book, I'll be much more experienced and ready so I don't make the same mistakes. 

The next book that I'll be writing won't be a fan fiction, but I hope that when I publish it, I can see some of you in my comments section :). This wasn't just a one person team. Every single one of you helped me write this and I cannot emphasize it enough. So congratulations to us for finishing this story and I'll try to answer any questions you may have about this story, this process, me, etc. Thank you so much for reading this story! This marks the end of Falling For My Best Friend. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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