Chapter 6: Going out with my best friend I

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A few days have passed since the first day of school. It's Friday, but I have no plans for the weekend. I walked to my locker contemplating on counting how many hair strands I have or binge watching some anime series when I get home. Throughout this week, my friends and I have gotten really close. We exchanged phone numbers and created a group chat. Tenko and Miu were the only ones actively talking, but everyone would chime in from time to time. "Hey, Kaede." I smiled as I turned around to see the first friend I made coming to this school and my closest friend so far: Shuichi.

"Hey, Shuichi! Ready for this week to be over?" I closed my locker holding my math binder to my chest.

"Are you kidding? I've been counting the days." We both laughed and started talking about random things. It was so easy to talk to him.

"Do you plan on doing anything for the weekend?" I asked.

"Well I'm actually hanging with the boys after school. Not sure about Saturday or Sunday."

"Oh yeah! You haven't introduced me to them, yet!" I say that, but I know it's Kaito and the others. Maybe they're not so bad since Shuichi is friends with them. Although we spent most of our breaks together, he would wander off to his friend group while I hung out with mine. I don't blame him, who would want to hang out with girls 24/7, especially with one girl always glaring at him?

"Well, maybe you can hang with us after school. If you are free of course." It was a little embarrassing that he assumed I had plans since my schedule was completely empty.

"I wouldn't want to pry! I know how much guys love their guy time or something like that."

"Maybe another time... Kaede, do you have plans for this weekend?" I immediately looked down at my feet. Does he know that I have no plans at all? I should just tell him the truth. He wouldn't think I'm a loser, right?

"Nah, not really." I tried to play it off, but I didn't hear a response from him. I bit my lip and slowly looked up to see that his face was only inches from mine. He's so close! Before I could respond, a hand grabbed his shoulder pulling him back.

"Hey, maybe do that at home with your girlfrie-." As Shuichi was being pulled back, I saw who was behind him.


"Kaede?!" Shuichi looked at us confused, but before he could ask, Kaito appeared.

"Kokichi, don't scare Shuichi's girl. Oh, Kaede!" The other boys started crowding us. Why does everyone think we are dating? I took a deep breath.

"First off, Shuichi and I are just friends. Seco-"

"Mmhhmm, sure looked like it," Kokichi said with his arms behind his head. "Listen honey, Shuichi is a nice guy, but as his friend I cannot let you play with his feelings." I felt my body tense up at his assumption.

"Excuse me? Don't go judging people when you have no idea what their life is like or even who they are." I couldn't help, but glare at Shuichi. "These are the guys you hang out with? I'm glad I declined your offer tonight."

"What? You invited a girl?" One boy asked behind us.

"Shuichi, dude." Kaito put his hand on Shuichi. "You cannot invite chicks to dude's night. Number one rule." I felt bad for saying that out loud. I didn't mean for Shuichi to look bad in front of these guys even if I didn't like them.

"I bet I know why Shuichi invited her though. He thinks she's super duper cool and would fit in with us boys, right?" Kokichi had deciphered exactly what was in Shuichi's head. Then his face bore an evil grin. "It wouldn't hurt to have a girl with us. A single and beautiful girl might I add. Why don't you join us, Kaede? It would be so much fun." I felt a huge chill run up my spine with every word that came out of his mouth. That expression on his face.... It's so creepy...

"Kokichi, stop," Shuichi said. I turned my head, but Shuichi's cap was covering his face. All I could see was the grimace on his lips. "I don't know what's wrong with you, but I will not let you talk to Kaede that way." Kokichi didn't say anything forming a silence between us. "I won't be joining you guys tonight." That's when the boys started making a fuss, but Shuichi ignored them grabbing my arm and heading to the stairway. As I was walking with him, I tried to read his expression. He was biting his lip while his brows furrowed; he looked really upset. I made this happen... If only I hadn't said anything. I already ruined his relationship with the new friends he's made. He suddenly stopped at the staircase and turned to me. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"It's not your fault, Kaede."

My eyes widened slightly, but I returned him a guilty expression. "It was. I let my feelings overcome me and was rude to your friends."

"You had every right to feel that way, Kaede. I can't stand guys who talk that way about girls." I saw him clench his fist while the other held onto my arm. Without thinking about it, I took both his hands holding them. He looked at me a little stunned, but didn't attempt to let go.

"You're a really sweet guy, Shuichi. Thank you for standing up for me, but trust me I got it next time!" I gave him a big grin and was returned a soft smile. "But now you don't have plans this weekend huh..."

"Well, I was only planning to hang with them today. I actually do have plans this weekend."

"Oh," was all I could reply. Was he going on a date? Of course any girl would snatch him up. Wait, why am I even thinking of this?

"Well, if the girl I ask says yes," he said. My heart felt oddly tight. So he is going on a date. I let go of his hands dropping them to my waist. "Kaede." The way he said my name made my heart relax. "Will you go to the amusement park with me?" I looked at him confused. Did I hear that right? "I was trying to ask you if you had plans earlier so we could go..." He held the tickets in his hand. I blushed and playfully punched his arm. "A-ow.."

"Then say it sooner next time! Eesh..." I tried to hide my rosy cheeks pouting, as I looked at him. He had a guilty smile on his face.

"Sorry, I will next time. So, do you want to go?" I looked at the tickets then at him. I couldn't say no to that face.

"Yeah I will." I took the other ticket and the moment I did, Shuichi and I heard a shuffling noise. We ignored it and decided to head off to our classes. I couldn't stop the grin that was plastered on my face the entire day. The only melody that played in my head was Claire De Lune by Debussy.

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