Chapter 5: Getting to know my best friend III

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We all ordered the lunch special which was grilled cheese with tomato soup. Shuichi and I followed Miu who navigated us to her hangout spot. We walked up to the third floor and to our left were a row of tables with chairs all around them. Miu sat at the third table down the hallway with 8 seats surrounding it. "This is Miu's table! Only my friends and I can sit here and everyone knows that! Mwuahahah!" She let out an evil laugh causing Shuichi and I to exchange glances. All four of us sat down leaving four seats empty. "You'll meet our two other friends soon, and that'll make up our clique." Clique? I looked around and saw people sitting at their own tables as well.

A couple of minutes later, two girls came and sat with us. One of them had soup spilled over her shirt. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh, we have new friends!" the girl said ignoring my question. I looked at the other girl who was glaring at Shuichi.

"Mikan tripped and spilled soup on herself again, so I had to help her clean up," the other girl stated.

Miu sighed. "Of course Mikan would do that. I have a spare shirt in my locker."

"Oh thank you, Miu!" I looked at Shuichi who noticed the girl glaring at him. Before we could ask, she spoke up.

"Why is there a degenerate male at our table?"

"He's Kaede's boyfriend slash not." I exchanged a glance with Miu before looking back at the girl who locked her eyes on me. Her glare then turned into a cheerful smile.

"Oh okay! Sorry, I don't like boys, but if he's your boyfriend slash not then I'll try to put up with him. But if he ever hurts you, I know aikido."

"I'm here you know," Shuichi said with a half smile on his face. I couldn't tell if he felt uncomfortable or took it as a joke.

"Anyways, I will introduce everyone to everyone. I am Miu! You can say I'm the mother out of us! This is Mikan! She's like super clumsy. She trips over everything, but she's adorable and smart so she's friends with us. She also specializes in medicine so she's our little nurse."

"N-nice to meet you all," she said shyly.

"This is Tenko! She absolutely hates boys for some reason, but she looks out for us. She also specializes in aikido."

"Nice to meet you all!" She said smiling at all of us then glaring at Shuichi.

"Now, you guys tell us about yourselves." Maki started.

"I'm Maki. It's nice to meet you," she stated bluntly.

"Oh I can see it already! The badass girl who acts cold, but is actually a sensitive girl with a sweet heart," Tenko said with sparkles in her eyes. Shuichi cleared his throat, then spoke.

"I'm Shuichi. Nice to meet you all."

"Then that leaves me. I'm Kaede! I hope we can all be great friends," I said with a big smile.

"Ahem, you're missing something," Miu murmured. I gave her a puzzled look. Am I supposed to say something else? "Fine, I'll say it then! Kaede is like amazing with the piano!" I blushed looking down.

"You are, Kaede?" Mikan asked.

"I love the piano, so I have invested a lot of time into it," I said shyly.

"So modest," Maki said sighing.

"You have to show us, Kaede!" Tenko exclaimed jumping up and down. I sat back in my seat feeling a little nervous by all of the attention.

"I would love to hear you play," Shuichi said. We both stared into each other's eyes, and the tension suddenly disappeared. I let out a loud sigh before giving everyone a satisfied smile.

"Okay, okay I'll play for you guys." Everyone cheered and we all shared a laugh. We ate our food and got to know each other better. I think I'm really going to like these girls. Throughout our conversations, Shuichi and I would just glance at each other for a second then return to the group. I'm also glad to have Shuichi here.

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