08:00-25 Years Later

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There are three things that you should know before we continue this story...

1) The first 24 hours in a kidnap case are the most crucial for the FBI. This is the window in which we have a better chance of finding our victim alive with minimal injuries.

2) When you've been in the same position as the Victim in the past, you feel it's your job to take this case personally and do just about everything you can to find this suspect and lock his ass up!!

3) When you hide a secret from your team, a secret you've kept for 25 yrs, you're outed. especially when that secret involves the suspect in question and could be the key to finding a young girl.

When I was 6 years old I was taken from my home in The Bronx in the middle of the night. My parents where killed and I was left homeless and orphaned. So when I was found alive, badly beaten and broken but I was alive, the FBI agent who saved me took me in and raised me until I found any remaining family. When They didn't find anyone he offered to adopt me and I was over the moon. The was 25 years ago and now, I take after my dad, I work for the very department that saved my life and brought my dad into my life.


I groaned as I reach over and turned off my alarm but as I did my phone rang. I picked it up and groaned again when I saw the contact name: Dr Pretty Boy I slid my finger across the answer button and put the phone to me ear.

"It's my day off Spencer." I informed him,

"I know, but Rossi asked me to call, we got a case." He replied, the hint of a smile in his voice.

"I'm sleeping Dr Reid."

"I have coffee." I heard his voice appear from behind me. I turned around as smiled, dropping the call and sitting up a little against my headboard as Spencer sat on my bed.

"See, now I'm awake and in love." I grinned up at him as he lent down and kissed my forehead as he handed me the coffee.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked confused.

"You gave me a key, I had coffee to wake you up it seemed appropriate." He shrugged. "I can leave if you want?" He asked as he make a move to leave my bed.

"No, I'm good. I do have a question though." I told him, grabbing his arm and pulling it over my shoulder and cuddling into his chest.


"Why did my dad ask you to call me when he could just call me him self?"

"Something about you'll not kill me if I woke you up." He laughed " Apparently you love me to much to kill me, maim and seriously injure yes, but never kill." he joked. I loved this side of Spencer, he had an amazing sense of humour but rarely let it show at work.

"He isn't wrong." I chuckled.

"I guess I should get changed." I sighed as I placed my coffee into my table and stood up, heading to my bathroom. I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue shirt and a pair of black wedged converse. I wrapped my gun belt around my body and pulled my hair into a high pony tail. My make up was minimal, just a foundation, eye liner and mascara with a little red lipstick.

I walked into my bedroom to find Spencer on his phone.

"Yeah...OK...I'll tell her...got it Garcia...I'm hanging up now" Spencer hung up and looked at me as I walked to my bedside table and opened the drew, pulling out my gun and badge.

"Everything OK with Garcia?" I asked as I attached my gun to my belt.

"Hotch wants us to meet them on the plane in 30 minutes, they will update us on the case when we're in the air." He informed me as he climbed of my bed.

"Did she say what the case was?" I asked him as I followed him out of my bedroom.

"Kidnapping, That's all I know." He told me as he grabbed his go bag, the one he keeps here (We each have two, one here and one at his place, so no matter where we are, we're ready to go) and his coat and messenger bag. I grabbed my Leather jacket and slipped on my sunglasses, I picked keys and phone before we exited my house. Spencer followed me to my car, put his go bag in the trunk, next to where I keep mine, and climbed in the front seat next to me, riding shotgun.

My car was nothing fancy, in fact it was old but it was a classic and I built it with my dad so it was important to me. Morgan had always been impressed that I owned a car like the one I had so I drove it everywhere I could when working at the FBI.

The drive to the airstrip was pretty quite, I had some classic rock playing on the radio, quietly as I hummed along, Spencer watching out of the window as we spend down the road. We arrived at the air strip with ten minutes to spare so Spencer and I parked up sat walking until we climbed out of the car as my dad pulled up beside me.

"Cutting it close aren't you old man?" I joked as he climbed out the car.

"Watch it you, you might be 31, but I'll still ground you." He shot back making me laugh. I gave my dad a hug as Spencer pulled the go bags out for the trunk and we made our way to the plane where we saw JJ and Hotch waiting.

"Morning." I smiled at the two as we sat at the small table. Spencer sitting next to me.

Soon enough Emily, Derek and Garcia joined us as we took off.

"OK, so we have an hour before we land so let's go over the case, Garcia?" Hotch spoke up, looking over to Garcia who smiled and nodded.

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