19:00-A New Phenomenon

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I walked into the conferance room and picked up the files, reading through each one as fast as I could. Now I wasn't as fast as Spencer when reading, I can only read 15,000 words a minute but I got through them quickley. 

I heard the door to the room open and I turned, expecting to see one of the team but instead I saw officer Grey.

"Hey." I smiled kindly at him as he entered the room.

"Dr Reid asked me to bring you this." He told me placing a coffee cup on my table. I chuckled and thanked him.

"Even out in the field he can't help but take care of me." I explained as Officer Grey looked at me confused.

"Are you two..."

"Together? Yeah, about three years now." I told him, taking a sip of my coffee. It was quiet for a minute before he spoke up again.

"So, the unsub did all this, because of his first victim?" He asked as he looked at me, as if watching for a reaction. I kept my face straight and emotionless as I shrugged.

"Who knows, I mean yeah that first Vic got away and has lived her life without thinking back, his Victims always bare a resemblance to the first vic as if they are surrogates for her." I explained getting back to my work.

"Do you think he know you're on to him?" He asked I turned again, watching as his eyes fixed mine. 

"Honestly I don't know. He could be watching TV and seen us on the news or he could be non the wiser, too busy with Katy to care about the outside world or he could very well be tracking the investigation and is sat at home like the smug ass-hole he his." I told him. He tensed up, a glint of something behind hid eyes but it was gone to fast to figure out what it was.

"Let's hope you find him soon, Katy will be counting on you." He told me. The way he said it, creeped me out a little, he seemed like he was challenging me. 

"She's probably already dead." a voice interrupted, I turned to see a young officer stood by the door, looking smug.


"Well, he probably killed her, because he saw the FBI are here." He shrugged.

"Did you not listen at a word we said in our profile?" I asked, standing from my seat. The young officer shrugged. 

"What that speech had a purpose?" He let out a hard laugh.

"Yeah, it did, the purpose was to give you an idea of who were looking for. Do you have a better idea of what to do to catch him?" I asked.

"No, the girl is dead, we'll drop the case after 24 hours and we'll forget all about her tomorrow." He shrugged.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, That first victim, the one he lit go, this is all her fault anyway." He told me matter of factually.

"Why do you think that?" officer Grey interrupted.

"If it wasn't for her getting away, he would have killed her and he would have not killed anybody else."

"Not necessarily, there's not telling whats would have happened, I'm just happy I got away when I did." I yelled, my eyes widened when I let it slip who I was. I noticed Officer Grey Stiffen, eyes widened as his eyes scanned me, up and down.

"You're her?" Officer Grey asked.


 "So this is all your fault?" The other officer interrupted. At that point I saw red and the next thing you know he was laying on the floor, blood spilling from his nose.

"BITCH!" He yelled as he stood up. He moved towards me but I stared him down. 

"Do it, I'll make sure your nose isn't the old thing broken." I growled. I watched as officer Grey pulled the officer out of the room, blood dripping from his nose. As he exited the room Morgan and Spencer walked in looking both confused and worried.

"What happened?" Spencer asked walking over to me. He grabbed both my shoulders and scanned my body as I spoke.

"he's bleeding." I told him.

"Yeah, but why is he bleeding?" Morgan asked

"Because he's an idiot." I shrugged. Morgan smirked as Spencer pulled away, allowing me to see Morgan fully.

"I didn't know that idiocy coursed people to spontaneously start bleeding from the nose." Morgan snickered.

"Must be a new phenomenon." I shrugged playing dumb.

That was when the Captain walked in looking pissed.

"YOU!" She yelled looking at me. "You hit my officer in the nose?" 

"Yeah, he was being a dick and he came at me, it was self defence." I told her. She gleared at me as I stood there infront of her, arms crossed over my chest.

"I want her off the case." The captain yelled. 

"If she leaves, we leave." Hotch said as he walked in behind her. She turned around to Hotch and laughed. 

"Why's that?" 

"Because we're a team, we all work the case of non of us do." He told her.

"And good look solving the case without us, we have the first victim, you have nothing." I told her.

"Well, if you're off the case, you HAVE to hand over all files and information of the case."She told me, "We can talk to the first vic on our own. We don't need the F.B.I for that." She smiled smugly. 

"I can assure you, the Vic will not say a single word to you or any of the officers in this building." Hotch told her.

"What makes you so sure?" She smugly.

"Because I don't like you." I told her.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Because I am the first victim." I smirked as her face fell.

"So I suggest you tell your officer to stay out of our way and if he comes near my daughter again, a broken nose will be the least of his problems." My dad told her. The captain stood silent for a while until she gave up, huffed out a 'FINE' and left. 

"You want to explain what that was all about?" Hotch asked. I told him everything and he gave me a good telling off but at the same time, he looked some what proud of my actions.

"Thea, it's nearly 8, you and Reid can go, take a break grab some dinner we'll see you in a hour." Hotch told me. I nodded and walked over to Spencer who smiled down at me. 

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and followed him out the room, waving good bye to the team.

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