12:00-Helping Morgan And Rossi

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I pulled up out side of a huge White House, covered top to bottom with police tape. A group of CSI walked in and out of the house with their white dust suit, carrying various CSI tech.

As JJ and I climbed out of the car I spotted my dad talking to a police officer by the front door. As we got closer I heard my dads phone ring.

"Rossi...yeah...ok I'll ask around...great...oh yeah I see them ok thanks Hotch." My dad said as his eyes landed on me and JJ. He put his phone in his pocket and walked over to us.

"Ladies, you jere to help?" My dad asked and I nodded.

"Hotch asked us to lend a hand, I'm assuming he told you about the van."

"Yeah Garcia looked at it"

"And?" JJ asked

"And the neighbour that owns a van is named Steve Greene, he has been out of state, for the past month, in the van." Morgan answered as he came walking over to us, slipping his phone in my pocket.

"Well, that makes things a little harder, most people around here would just assume the van belongs to Steve and won't pay too much attention to it." I sighed. JJ and Morgan agreed but my dad had other ideas.

"Not necessarily, in a community like this, everybody knows everybody so they would know Steve greene is out of town and there will be a nosey neighbour that sees and knows everything." My dad pointed out, pointing over to a house across the street.

As we looked over we saw the curtains twitch, indicating somebody had been watching. I turned to look at my dad.

"You two ask about, I'll go have a little chit chat with the twitching curtain." I told them. I walked over to my car, took of my jacket and sunglasses and placed them in the car, making myself look a little less intimidating.

I walked over to the house with the twitching curtains and knocked on the door. A couple seconds later the door opened and there stood a small middle aged woman, a walking stick in one hand and a cup of something in her hand.

"Can I help you?" She asked her eyes looking behind me and at me, looking me up and down.

"Hello, I'm Dr Roman-Rossi, I'm here with the FBI, I was just wondering if you had by chance noticed a white van parked outside of the Thompsons home and any point in the week?"

"These a white van parked there most weeks, my husbands, but yes, I did notice something. Here come inside, I'll check my logs." She told me moving aside. I followed behind her into her living room, she sat down at her computer then began typing.

"Here. This is the van that was parked there the last week." She told me as she turned the screen to face me.

The screen facing me showed CCTV footage of a white transit van sat outside the house. A shadow of someone sat inside but it was to blury to make out a face.

"Would you perhaps send this to our tech analyst, so she can well analyse it?"

"Of course just give me the email." She smiled.

I gave her the email and then picked up my phone and dialled Garcia.

"My empress of excellence, what can I do you for?" she gushed down the phone.

"Penny G, listen up my quirky queen, I've have so CCTV footage sent to you, could you take a look, let me know if there is anything of importance?"

"Sure thing my love. I'll see what I can get."

"You're the best PG."

"Catch you later." She called back happily, before hanging up.

"Thank you Miss..."

"Greene, my husband is Steve Greene he is the owner of the van that usually parks there."

"That's how you know the van wasn't the usual parked van?"


"Well thank you Mrs Greene you have helped a great deal, if you can think of anything else, just give me a call." I smiled at her as I handed her my card before I said my goodbyes and left.

As I walked out the house I noticed Morgan and Rossi stood at their SUV, JJ was stood near ours.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I walked over.

"Wonderful Daughter of mine, PLEASE tell us you have something." My dad begged as I reached them.

"Yeah the lady I just visited has CCTV outside her house, she got the van and I've sent the footage over to Garcia she should be getting back any minute.

As if on cue my phone rang.

"Speak of the Sparkly devil" I chuckled answering the phone. "Roman-Rossi"

"Listen up girl wonder, I got a bit on your van. It belongs to Richard Brown, however it was reported stolen six weeks ago from Brooklyn.

"Thanks Garcia you da best."

"Bitch I know."

"Who you calling a bitch??" I heard Spencer call

"Morgan?" Garcia answered, I heard her laugh as Spencer called

"Yeah he is a bitch."

"Ok, I'm going, I'll see you when we get back PG."

"See you soon my lovely."

I made a kiss noise down the phone then hung up.

"The van is question was stolen six weeks ago. We got nothing again." I told the team who all nodded, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Right, well I guess we should head back to the precinct."my dad says.

"Meet you guys back there then I guess." I smiled. I kissed my dads cheek and headed back.

"Race ya?" Morgan offered but was hit in the back of the head by my dad and JJ.

"I guess not." I laughed. JJ and I climbed into our car and I set of back.

"Do you think we'll find katy?" I asked JJ who shrugged.

"We'll do everything we can, that's all we can do." She told me.

"She'll be so scared right now, not know what's going on, where she is." I told JJ, speaking from experience

"I know and we're gonna do whatever we can to bring her home." She reassured me.

"I know." I smiled over at her, not taking my eyes off of the road.

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