15:30-Time To Tell my Story

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"The girl in the photo is me. " I told them, "I'm Jane doe." 

The team all stared at me, nobody said anything for about ten minutes until JJ spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"It wasn't anything that needed to be said, I mean it happened, I started over and now I'm here." I told her.

"But this is something that could have help with the case and..."

"We only just found out the MO, and patterns of the Unsub, Rossi called everyone in so I could tell you all." I interrupted Morgan.

"You should have said something sooner." He snapped. "You could have helped but instead you took off with you boyfriend." He yelled louder and louder. I took a step back.

"Morgan!" My dad warned but Morgan turned his rage to my father. 

"Oh and you, you knew this whole time who this guys is."

"I don;t know who he is, I never met him, Thea never saw his face and no, I didn't know at the start of the case who was behind this, I had my suspicions but nothing was confirmed until Garcia found the other victims." My dad explained. "Now if you would like to apologise to my daughter for yelling at her." 

"It's OK, dad, I get it, I'd be angry at me too." I shrugged. Turning my attention back to the team.

I don't remember much about it, I remember going to sleep in my bed, I remember waking up to a masked figure doing, unspeakable things to me. and I remember Rossi finding me and taking me away from the Subway tunnels." 

"You lived in The Bronx?" Emily asked, I laughed and nodded. 

"Yeah, that's where I was born. My birth mum was from NYC, my birth dad was from The Bronx, he was Italian American, much like my dad. I recon that's why the cooking and the Italian comes naturally to me. It's in my blood." I chuckled, My dad laughing too.

"I always through you were from Brooklyn." JJ added.

"Right, I asked her before and she said no, the Bronx." Garcia commented.

"OK, so back to the case. You were the first victim, what was his motive?" Emily asked.

"Not a clue, we never figured that out, we didn't even find a name, we got a call on the tip line telling us they saw a weird looking guy dragging a young girl who looked like Thea down to the subway." my dad answered.

"Do remember his face in the wonderful eidetic memory of yours?" Garcia asked, hopefully but she seemed to deflate a little when I shook my head.

"I never saw his face, He always wore a mask. I remember his eyes though, green, piercing and full of hate and his voice, I remember every word he ever said to me, even now." I told her, feeling a lump grow in my through.

Morgan stood up, slamming his hand against the desk. His breathing heavy as she began pacing.

"Morgan, you OK?" Hotch asked him, but Morgan did speak. He spoke to nobody as the team asked him what was wrong.

I watched him as he seethed, his fists clenched, jaw tight. I stood up, leaving everybody chatting about my case and walked over to Morgan.

"Boy, you're really mad at me huh?" I asked. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. I watched as he dived at me and pulled me into a tight hug, burying his face in my neck. I heard him sniffle and I froze. He was crying, on my shoulder. I looked over at the team who were watching closely all just as shocked as I was to see him crying.

"I'm not mad at you Miss Genius." He told me, calling by my usual nickname for him. "I'd never be mad at you, not for this."

"Then why are you currently crying on my shoulder?" I chuckled as he pulled away. 

"I'm just... it's just this guy hurt you, really badly and you were so young and helpless and..." 

"You're angry at him?" 

"Of course, you're like my little sister Thea, that's how most of the team feel, I mean except your dad and Spencer." He chuckled, I nodded and shrugged. "I hate the thought of you every being hurt, and knowing this guy did all those thing to you."

"You want to kill him, huh?" 

"Pretty much." Morgan agreed. I laughed and shook my head.

"We all do baby, he hurt our girl and we just want him dead." My boyfriend spoke up. I turned and smiled.

"It's OK to be angry, hell i'm angry, but when we find this guy, we try our best to resist killing him on sight, he doesn't deserve death." I told them "That would be to easy for him, he deserves to be locked up an a prison for the rest of his sick twisted life."

"You OK, with staying on the case?" Hotch asked me, I nodded and he smiled in reply.

"This is gonna be interesting." Morgan stated and the team all nodded.

"Can you all just promise me one thing?" I asked them as they all looked at me.

"Can you please not start any fights with a wall, I already have an injured boyfriend and I don't want nobody getting hurt." I told them and they all laughed.

"I'll call the hospital, see if they can rush an X-ray for you Spence." JJ told us as she picked up her phone and walked out.

"I'm going to look into Thea's past, if that's OK by you and Rossi?" Garcia asked as she sat at her computer. 

"It's fine, but you need to search Dorothea Jane Romani." I told her. She nodded and got to work.

Dorothea Romani?" Morgan asked quirking an eyebrow.

"My name is Dorathea but I go by Thea and when my dad adopted me I changed the 'Romani' to 'Roman'. Still got the great Italian surname, just now I match my dad but keep some of my old name." I explained.

"Cool." He shrugged.

"You feeling OK?" Hotch asked as I sat back down and let out a shrugged sigh.

"Just taken a lot out of me is all, I'll be fine." 

"Why don't you take a nap, maybe it will help." My dad offered.

"We're on a case, I'm not doing that." I told him.

"We'll wake you up when we have something, OK?" Hotch offered and I nodded. 

"Reid can stay with you if that helps." He added.

"Yeah, I might do." I smiled back.

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