A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Trigger Warning- This chapters contain subject matter that could trigger some people, so please be a aware.

Content ahead contains Pedophilia

*Flashback 1*

"Thea baby, come on the twins are here" The young girl heard her mum shout. Little Dorothea Jane Romani grabbed her pink sparkly soccer boots and ran, carefully, down the stairs to her mother who waited to the bottom of the steps.

"You ready for Soccer princess?" her dad called as he walked over, smiling as he noticed the red soccer jersey and white shorts she wore.

"We're gonna crush 'um today daddy." The five year old cried out as she ran into her dads arms. Over her dads shoulders she spotted the best friends Toby and Tommy, the twins from down the block and their dad who watched the young girl with hungry eyes.

Something about the young girl always sparked is attention. She was so kind, so polite and so...boyish. He never admitted it but she could take both his boys in a fight a she was a year younger that the two.

"We're gonna kill them, specially with our little Thea playing." One of the twins called out, taking the mans attention from the young girl. He liked that Thea was on the same team as the boys but he didn't know why. He knew it was inappropriate but what could he do, something about her stirred something inside of him.

"OK, i'll see you guys later, be good and remember, it's not about winning, enjoy playing the game." Her mum told the group as they made their way out of the door.

*3 hours later*

"And the booooom, Thea kicked the ball so hard, I thought the goalie was gonna run away screaming." Tommy yelled as the three children and their fathers sat in the small pizzeria down the block from where they lived.

"It was amazing. I wish I could score goals like that DJ, I mean it was amazing." Toby gushed as he sat next to his best friend.

"I think you're an awesome Player Toby." Thea answered as she picked up a slice of pizza.

This was a little tradition of the groups, every Sunday, after a game the two men took their kids for Pizza if they won the game or ice-cream if they lost, to take the sting away. This was something Thea always looked forward to, her special time with her dad.

"Next week is the finals and we are going to win, right DJ!" Tommy called over, Thea grinned wide and high fived her best friends before turning back to the pizza. The two men shared a look as they both smiled at each other, one out of pride for his daughter, the other to keep his secret from getting out.

*Flashback 2*

"Happy birthday to Thea...happy birthday too you." The group sang around the now six year old. Thea grinned wide as she blow out the six candles on top of the Liverpool FC birthday cake, a cake showing her support for her favourite English soccer/football team.

"Presents!" Tommy shouted. Toby came running over with two presents in his hand.

"Here DJ, this is for you." He smiled shyly at his 'girlfriend'. Thea smiled happily as she opened the messily wrapped gifts to find a Liverpool FC jersey with '06 DJ Romani' written on the back.

In the other was a new pair of soccer boots, this time red. "Thank you boys, I love them." She smiled. "Daddy, help me put it on?" She asked as she turned to her dad who chuckled, lifting the pink princess shirt over her head and slipped the new jersey over his daughters head. While doing so, he didn't notice the pair of eyes the watched intently as the shirt covered the small girls naked chest.

Thea then slipped on her new soccer boots, with the help of her dad and ran into the back yard, the small boys following behind her.

"You didn't need to get such expensive gifts for her Terry." The young girls mother told her neighbour.

"It wasn't my doing, I let the boys choose and Toby insisted on the shirt." Terry explained him self, his eyes never leaving the children playing soccer in the yard.

"Well, thank you."

"Don't mention it, see in the smile on her face was better that anything I've seen in my life." The man grinned. The couple chuckled thinking about how generous their friend was and how good he was to their daughter. Non of them thinking for a second that he had other motives.

*Flashback 3*

"Lokk, I appreciate it but I don't think you want a six year old running around on you're night without the twins. Seriously, just take the night to relax, I'll ask my brother to come over." Thea heard her dad say as he spoke to his friend.

"It wouldn't be a problem, I was just gonna watch the soccer game anyway and Liverpool are playing, thought she might like it." Terry shrugged, trying to play his generosity of as just trying to be a good friend.

"Well, I mean she does want to watch that game and I know my brother wouldn't want to watch it. How about you take her to watch the game at your place then, as long as you're OK with this."

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't OK with it." The man chuckled.

*an hour later*

"Hey Terry listen, the wife and I decided not to go out tonight, she's feeling a little under the weather." The man explained to his friend over the phone.

"Oh, OK, well, sorry she's not felling to good." Terry replied, disappointment laced in his voice.

"You sound disappointed?" Thea's dad chuckled.

"No, was just looking forward to having the company is all, want out a bought some snacks for the kid." He rushed.

"Well, if you got beer, I'll happily join you." the man laughed "I'll bring the kid too."

He looked down at Thea and smiled as she sang to herself, colouring in.

"Sounds good. I'll run out and get some beers in then." Terry chuckled. He felt a wave of relief his secret was still safe and he would be seeing Thea in an hour and that made his heart skip a beat.

Terry Newman would soon to let his little obsession get the better of him, in a few day he would commit his first double homicide, killing his best friend and his wife and then turn to child abduction as a last resort to be alone with Dorothea Jane Romani and boy was he ready.

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