08:00-Let's go home Dr Reid

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I had woken up around 6am and couldn't sleep much more so I decided to leave Spence in bed and grab coffee, so I changed into pair of Black skinny jeans, a loose fitting blouse and my wedged converse. I threw my FBI coat over the top and left the room, leaving a note telling Spence I was grabbing coffee and to meet me at the precinct at 8. 

once 7:45 rolled around I mad my way to the precinct where I found Spencer and the team waiting for me. 

"THEA!" I heard a little voice call and I noticed Katy and her parents waiting with the team.

"KATY!" I called back. She let out a laugh as she ran at me and I caught her.

"How you doing today?" I asked her.

"Tired, I had a bad dream." She told me sadly but I nodded. 

"Yeah, they happen but soon you'll be back to normal again, I promise." I told her.

"Me and mum made cupcakes." She suddenly yelled excitedly as she pulled me to her mother who held a box. 

"She wasn't sleeping, so we baked to keep her occupied. Here, for the trip home." Mrs Thompson a smiled as she handed me the box of cakes. 

"You didn;t have to." I smiled kindly.

"I just, i want to say thank you, so much for finding  our little girl." She smiled as she pulled katy into her arms. 

"It's no problem and because I like you, I going to do something I never do." I smiled as I turned to face Katy. "I'm going to give you my address and I want you to keep me updated on how you're doing, OK." I told her. Katy nodded and I smiled grabbing some paper from my bag then began writing.

"Erm Thea?" Spencer called, I looked up at him.


"You need to give her the new address." He chuckled.

"Oh God, you're right here, you write if down." I laughed as I handed him the paper and pen.  I watched as he wrote our address down and handed it to Mrs Thompson.

"I wrote her number down as well, incase Katy needs somebody to talk to about what happened." Spencer informed her.

"Why would she need her number?" Mr Thompson asked confused.

"I went through the same thing when I was Katy's age, in fact it was by the same monster who took Katy." I told him. "Both my parent's were killed so I know what she's going through and she might not always want to talk to you about it, sometime she's feel like you won't understand." I explained.

"Oh my god and you still saved our daughter. You are the strongest woman I have ever met." Mrs Thompson gushed as she pulled me into a hug. 

"I think it's safe to say Katy is just as strong as I am." I smiled down at her. 

"You saved me." She said blankly, "He was gonna shoot me and you go in the way." She remembered. 

"It's what I had to do to make sure you could get back to you mum and dad." I told her, kneeling down to her height. 

"Thank you for saving me." he cried as she dived into my arms and hugged me tight. 

"It's no problem Katy, I would do it all again if I had to. You're important Katy Thompson and when you're older you'll remember all of this and you'll feel like you can take on the world because of what you went through." 

"You think?"

"I know." I winked as I stood up. 

"OK, Katy, time to go." Her dad called. Katy hugged me one last time them hugged the rest of the team, thanking each of them.

"Thank you for everything you did." Mrs Thompson said once again. "I'll be sure to keep you updated on her life. She's a bright kid, I hope this doesn't mess her up too much." She chuckled as she watched her daughter interact with the team.

"She'll be OK." I reassured her. "Besides, I'm just as messed up and I turned out great." I winked making her laugh. 

"Yeah except her really bad timing in quoting movies." Morgan interrupted. "You know before she saved your daughter she quoted Ghostbusters?" He informed her, Mrs Thompson let out a laugh and shook her head.

"I hope she grows up to be as messed up as you." 

"She will." I nodded. "Just keep reminding her she's loved and is worth it, she'll be just fine."

"OK Katy, it's time to go. Say goodbye." Mrs Thompson called over to her daughter who was taking to Spencer.

"Bye guys, Thank you for rescuing me." She smiled as she waved. 

She grabbed hold of her mum and dads hands and followed after them, shouting one last goodbye.

I smiled as I watched Katy and her parents climb into their car and drive away. 

"What you thinking about?" Spencer spoke as he hugged me tight.

"I'm thinking about how I'd like a kid like that." I told him truthfully, looking up at his face.

"You do?" He asked looking back at me.

"God yes, She's smart, and she's strong. She's gonna get through this just fine." I told him confidently.

"Yeah, she's a great kid." He chuckled, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"You wanna make one of those?" I asked, a smirk on my face. 

"Damn right I do." He chuckled. I smiled up at him and left a kiss on his lips.

"Come on you two we gonna go!" My dad called over to us, making us pull away.

"We're coming!" I called back before turning to Spencer. "Come on, Let's go home Dr Reid" I smiled, he kissed me once again before we followed after the rest of the team.

"Our home." Spencer smiled.

"Our home." I repeated as I climbed into the car and rested my head on Spencer's shoulder. 

"I think I'm gonna sleep a little on the plane." I informed Spencer who let out a chuckle and kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

"Sleep away." 

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