18:00-The Profile

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I walked out of the bathroom and walked over to Spencer who was stood in front of the bullpen. He handed me a piece of paper, on it was the profile.

"Hotch said read over it, make sure we have everything." He informed me. I nodded and read it, a couple times before shrugging. seems to have everything." I told him.

"I thought so too." He nodded.

"Is there anything you two want to add?" Hotch called over to Spencer and I.

"No I think you have everything." I told him.

"Should we get started then?" He asked. The team all nodded and Hotch called out, grabbing every bodies attention.

"Can I have every bodies attention." He called. The room went quiet and all eyes were on us.

"We are ready with the profile so if you could all listen up." My dad spoke. 

"OK, we're looking for a man between 50-60. He's been doing this along time so he's confidant he won't be getting caught so he'd still keep himself in public." Hotch began.

"He abducts girls, aged 6, brown hair and blue eyes. He keeps them for a year before moving on.." My dad added.

"We believe he will keep his victims with him for the year, kills and disposes of the body in a park, close to where they were taken. He will then most probably move to a new town but stay in the state." Emily continued.

"New York is his hunting ground, it's why he's gotten away with it for so long. He lives in the town for a while, take a victim, keep her then when he's done, he'll leave." Morgan explained.

"He's socially awkward but not in a way that is threatening or suspicious, so he most likely made friends with the people he killed, lead them into thinking they are friends, and safe with him around. Maybe builds this relationship in the years before the abduction." JJ told them, the officers jotting down notes in their note pads as we spoke.

"How does he choose his victims, does he just choose a girl and just be like 'that one, she looks about right?" One of the officers ask.

"We're not sure, we just know they all bare a resemblance to his first victim Dorothea Ramoni from The Bronx."

"I knew her" Officer Grey spoke up, my head shot up.

"You did?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, her parents and I were friends." He told me. I thought back, as far as I could but the only person I could remember the name of was my old friend Toby and Tommy Newman, twins that lived round the corner from us and there dad Terry.

"I don't remember any Grey family." I shook my head.

"We were never mentioned on the case, we were out of town when it happened." He told us.

"But I know you're face from somewhere." I told him. I shrugged and turned back to my team. 

"I dunno." I said as my dad looked at me.

"So, this unsub, he is making up for the girl he lost the first time?"

"He didn't loose her, he left her because he felt the FBI were getting to close." My dad told them. 

"Why does he only take girls that are six years old?"

"That how old his first victim was." Spencer answered.

"Look this guys is sick and twisted, He enjoys the pain he inflicts, gets off on it." I began. "He's clever about it, he's careful, he waits till the case is cold, which by law, if you haven't found new evidence in over a year, the case is considered cold as you move on. Now this maybe something the public know if they look into it, but it is most likely the unsub is or was a police officer or knew someone who was." I told them.

"OK if anybody has any questions then feel free to come find one of the team. Thank you." Hotch called out. The officers around the bullpen scattered and I moved closer to Spencer who was talking to my dad.

"How you doing kiddo?" My dad asked me.

"I'm OK, a little overwhelmed but I have this idiot to keep me sane." I smiled as I rest my head on Spencer's shoulder. 

"You two are gonna go out later, about 8 o'clock. You need to eat and get some distance from the case for an hour or so." My dad instructed.

"But Hotch..."

"It was Hotch's idea, he thinks a little distance will help you get back on your game." My dad told me. "and I agree, this is a lot for you to have to go through and we all know you're not going to step back, so take a break, eat something, you haven't eaten all day, and have so time with Spencer." My dad smiled.

"You the best you know that?" I smiled as I let got of Spencer and hugged my dad.

"I know, now go get some work done before you leave." 

"You got it."

"Spencer, you go with Morgan, he'll explain in the way."Hotch called over, Spencer nodded, turned to kiss my head then left. 

"I'll go work in the conference room." I told my dad as I hugged him once again.

"OK Kiddo, let me know if you need anything."

"I will." 

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