04:00-It's Finally Over

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"THEA!" I felt his hand on my back as I sat frozen over Katy.

"Hey, come on, It's over baby, you're OK, Katy's OK." He told me as he helped me to my feet. I looked around and saw Terry lying still on the floor. 

"Who?" I asked, tears running down my face. I looked up at Spencer who shrugged.

"He was going to shoot, I had not choice." He told me. I cried, tears joy and relief as I threw myself at Spencer.

"My knight in a knitted sweater vest and bulletproof vest." I cried as I placed my hands on hos forearms that were on show due to Spencer rolling his sleeves up. I smiled up at Spencer then turned to Katy who still sat on the floor, tears running down her face. 

"Hey, Katy, are you OK?" I asked.

"I want to go home." She cried. I nodded and picked her up. 

"Come on then, we'll take you outside to get you checked over OK." I smiled at her. 

"Katy, this is Spencer, he's gonna call you're parents OK and we will tell them to meet us at the police station OK?" I told her and she nodded. 

"Is he..." 

"He's gone sweetie, OK, he's can't hurt us anymore" I reassured her as I began to walk up the stairs.

Once outside I took Katy to an ambulance that was ready and waiting. I put her down and moved to walk away but she grabbed my arm and didn't let go.

"Katy, honey, I need to be checked out too, I'll be just over there." I tried to reassures her but she refused to let go. I looked around and saw Emily standing close by. 

"Em!" I called. She looked at me and I pointed to the other EMT "Could you asked once of the EMT to come over here, Katy's a bit scared of being left alone. Em nodded and a couple minutes later Katy and I were both done and given the all clear. 

"Her parents are on their way to meet us at the JPD precinct." Spencer told me. I nodded and stood up, turning to Katy. 

"Come on sweet heart, Let's get you back to your family." I told her, she smiled a little and nodded as she stood up, grabbing my hand and followed me to the car. I let Morgan drive so I could sit in the back with Spencer, Katy sat in the middle of the, her head resting on my chest, my arm draped over her shoulder. I rest my head on hers and closed my eyes as we drove.

When we arrived at the precinct The Thompson's were already there. I climbed out of the car once it was pulled to a stop and helped Katy out. She let out a cry of joy when she spotted her mum and dad inside and she let got of my hand and ran over to them.

"MOMMY, DADDY!" she cried, gaining the adults attention. 

"Katy baby!" Mrs Thompson cried as she fell to her knees and hugged her daughter tight, Mt Thompson falling to their sides and pulled them in his own arms. 

I watched, smiling as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, Spencer resting his head on mine. I rest my hands on top of his that were gripped tightly around my stomach and I rest my head on his chest.

"You saved that girl." I told him, a smile smile on my face.

"I saved you, You saved that girl Thea." He corrected me.

"No, I didn't." I shook my head.

"Babe, you threw yourself in front of her when he was pointing a gun and was ready to shoot her." He told me, pride laced his voice. 

"I needed to protect her." I told him.

"You saved her Thea, not me. I just stopped him from shooting my girlfriend."

"You did good Mini Rossi, it was awesome." Morgan added.

"What can I say, I'm a bad ass." I grinned looking over at him.

"That you are kid." my dad agreed.

I watched the family of three in front of me and I couldn't help but smile. I helped do that, I faced the worst monster to ever haunt my nightmares and I kept her safe and there is no better feeling than that. 

"We should try get some sleep, the plane leaves tomorrow at 9am so rest up." Hotch informed us as he made his was out the door. Obviously we had Hotel rooms booked so we all made our way out the doors but Spencer and I were stopped by a little voice. 

"Thea wait!" I turned to see Katy running towards me. 

"are you going now?" She asked.

"I'm going to sleep, I leave tomorrow." I told her.

"Can I come see you before you go?" She asked, her mum and dad behind her. 

"as long as it's OK with your mum and dad, I'll be here at 8am to say good bye." I told her. 

"I'll be here." She told me before she hugged me again. 

"Look, I know it's not my place, but can I give you some advice?" I asked Mrs Thompson who nodded. "As someone who's been where Katy has been, give her some time. She's gonna be different at first but as long as you're patient with her, and reminder she's safe and loved she'll get better." I told her, Mrs Thompson nodded and smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you for keeping your promise Dr Rossi, I can't thank you enough." She cried. 

We both pulled away and Spencer and I said our goodbyes and left to the hotel. 

"I'm so tired." I told him as we drove.

"I know baby, we'll be able to sleep for a few hours at the hotel." He reassured me.

"It's finally over." I sighed as Spencer pulled into the parking lot of the Hotel. "He's gone and I'm never gonna see him again." I told him.

"You gonna be OK?" He asked me as we climbed out of the car. 

"Are you kidding me, I have the greatest team of friends and family to look out for me. When we get back to Quantica we are going to be living together in our new house and I get to spend my life knowing that the man who ruined my child hood is dead and will never get me again." 

"Sounds like a plan." But for now let's sleep." He told me as he stopped us at our room and unlocked the door.

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