14:00-Panic Attack

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Then it hit me...HARD!!

The long island towns, the brown heard, Blue eyed girls that looked eerily familiar. The murdered parents/grandparents...it was him, he was back.

My grip on Spencer tightened alerting him to my sudden uneasiness. Tears filled my eyes. My breath shortened, becoming trapped in my throat. I hands released Spencer as she turned around, saying something but he sounded so far away.

"Thea? Thea!" He called, my eyes snapped to his face then to my dad as he came into view.

"Sit her down Spencer and go get her some water." Rossi ordered as he sat me down on a near by chair.

"Respira il piccolo (breath little one)" He told me softly. My eyes searched panicking.

"dov'è Spencer? (Where's Spencer?)" I asked him, my voice quiet and muffled.

"He's here il mio Tesoro (my treasure)." My dad spoke, calling me by my childhood nickname as Spencer came running back holding a glass of water.

It was typical for my dad and I to speak Italian when conversing, just the two of us, but at times like these it reminded me I was safe, with my dad, no body was listening, it was just the two of us.

"What's wrong with her Rossi? Is she OK?" Spencer asked as he looked me over, grabbing my face.

"It's a panic attack Reid, she'll be OK she just needs to breath." My dad informed my boyfriend.

Spencer nodded, stood up and lifted me from my seat, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he sat down, sitting me on his knee.

"Reid what are you doing?" My dad asked but Spencer ignored him, taking his jacket off and covering our heads. I rest my head on his chest.

"OK, listen to me Thea, just listen to the sound of my heat beat, focus on that, nothing else, just my heat beat, my hand in yours. Just focus on us, my heart beat that beats only for you." He whispered in my ear as I calmed down, doing as he said. He moved my head to look up at him, then he kissed me, catching me off guard, I stopped breathing then started again, this time back to normal.

"That was really cheesy." I breathed out a laugh as I looked back at him.

"Hey, it worked." My boyfriend laughed. He kissed me, softly then removed the jacket from above our heads and I sat up. My dad did a quick once over before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You OK il mio Tesoro?"

"I'm fine dad."

"What was with the Jacket?" He asked Reid who turn a shade of red.

"Well, I kinda, well..." He stuttered to try and find the right words.

"He kissed me, it's a pretty good way to detract me from the panic and relax me." I told my dad as I took the glass of water that Spencer had brought in earlier.

"And the Jacket?"

"So you didn't kill me while I kissed her, I didn't want you to think I was taking advantage and stop me." Spencer answered, a small smiled on his face.

"OK, well, next time just kiss her, if she felt like you were taking advantage, she'd stop you herself." My dad told him. "Then I would kill you."

"Yes sir." Spencer chuckled. I stood up and walked over to my dad, pulling out of Spencer's ear shoot. I wrapped my arms around my dads torso and he hugged me tight.

"It's him, isn't it?" I asked him. "He's back isn't he?"

"I don't know for sure, but Hotch and I saw the girl this morning and I saw her face, she looked just like you, she was same age, the same MO. We just hoped we were wrong." He explained.

"That's why you asked me on the case. If it is him, you think him seeing me would distract him long enough to mess something up." I sighed as I pulled out of my fathers arms.

"Something like that." He told me.

"You could have told me."

"If I did and we were wrong, we would have brought up some pretty awful memories for no reason."

"Did you not think I would piece it together at some point?"

"I didn't think you would, I mean you were six and while you do remember a lot of the kidnapping, you never remembered much about the case. honestly if Spencer hadn't mentioned the girls likeness to you.."

"I wouldn't have pieced it together until we knew for sure it's him." I finished and he nodded.

"Curse Spencer and his beautifully brainy brain." I huffed coursing my dad to laugh.

"What did I do now?" Spencer asked from where he stood, looking back at his board.

"Nothing my love, just being the amazing boyfriend you are!" I called back. He let out a laugh and nodded.

"You're gonna have to tell them." he told me and I nodded.

"I know." I sighed. "Can you make the call, get everybody back here, I need a couple minutes to gather my thoughts?" I asked him, he nodded, kissed my forehead and walked off, but not before he stopped and turned to Reid.

"Reid, Thea needs a couple minutes to gather herself, you go with her, keep an eye on her." My dad called over. Spencer dropped everything he was doing and came walking over.

"Shall we go get coffee?" He asked, grabbing his jacket. I nodded,

"Yeah, but we'll have to be quick, my dad is calling everybody back here." I told him. He nodded and we walked out, hand in hand. The short walk to the coffee shop was quiet, my mind racing with ways I'm to tell my team, my friends, no my family I've been lying to them since the day I met them.

"You OK baby?" Spencer asked as we made our way back to the Presinct.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You've barely touched you're coffee. What's going on?"

"If was to tell you i was keeping something from you, would you hate me?" I asked him.

"No, I mean if you had slept with another guy, then I wouldn't be happy but I'd never hate you." He told me.

"What if it wasn't that, it was something bigger, but the reason I didn't tell you or anyone was because it hurt to much to talk about."

"Then I would understand. Thea, you don't have to tell me everything about you're life, not unless you want to." He assured me.

"I don't want to, but I have to." I sighed as we reached the doors to the precinct. "It could be vital to the case and...I need you know remember I love you and I never kept this from you on purpose, I could't talk about it, to anyone." I told him as we reached the conference room.

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