09:00-The Plane Ride

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"OK, so, Kathrine Thompson, 6 years old, was taken an hour ago from her grandparents home in Jericho, New York. Her grandmother called the police and was on the phone when she was shot." Garcia informed us as she showed us photos of the victim and the crime scene.

"Have we checked the database for anything similar?" My dad asked and she nodded.

"I have, however anything farther that 10 years ago aren't on the system so we got people back at HQ looking through the paper files, so as soon as I have something I'll let you know."

"Where were the girls parents?" I asked as I skimmed over the file, I caught my dad and Hotch look at me but I get back to the case at hand.

"Both were working through the night, Kathrine's grandparents take care of her on a Friday night, very week since she was 2."

"So the kidnapper must have known this, he had to know these people have Kathrine on a Friday night, because she wouldn't be there any other time." Spencer added.

"You know there's something familiar about her, I just can't put my finger on it." Morgan added and we all looked at the photo, quietly but we all shrugged, not being able to place her face.

"Well, when we land, Thea and JJ you talk to the parents, see what they know, Morgan and Rossi, you'll head over to the grandparents house, take a look at our abduction sights and crime scene. Spencer, Emily you're with me. Garcia, you too." Hotch ordered and we all nodded. Pretty soon, the conversation turned into gossip and normal conversation, talking about anything other than the case for a while.

"So, mini Rossi, I thought today was your day off?" Emily piped up.

"It was supposed to be." Spencer answered for me still looking down at the file in his hand.

"Yeah but apparently my dad thought the team needed my help on this one." I huffed glaring at my dad. "Thanks for that."

"Yeah, but I sent Reid to wake you, so you wouldn't be in such a bad mood."

"Oh, I see, you got a wake up call from the good Doctor." Morgan smirked, raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"He brought me coffee...I was over the moon." I smiled back.

"And in love, if I recall." Spencer added finally looking up from his case file, making me laugh.

"Dr Reid, I'm always in love, with everything you do, at that particular moment I had you and coffee, in my bed, I was more in love than ever." I told him making him laugh as he lent over and kissed my head.

"I love you too." He chuckled.

"You two are too cute!" Emily gushed as we looked over at her where she stood in the little kitchenette.

"I still can't believe you two dated a whole year before anyone knew you were together." Garcia stated, shacking her head and getting back to her computer screen.

"It's because we're super sneaky." I chuckled, leaning into Spencer, resting my head on his shoulder.

"To be fair, Hotch knew about us from the start." Reid stated as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Why did you keep it a secret for so long?" Emily asked as she walked back over, placing a cup of coffee in front of me,

"I love you." I grinned up at her, taking the coffee.

"Love you too princess." She winked as she walked away and sat back down, leaving everyone, including Spencer and my dad laughing.

"Anyway, we kept it secret because of him." I explained, pointing over at me dad who grinned. "I didn't want the man I loved murdered, I mean we profile serial killers, we work for the FBI, if my dad wanted to kill Spencer and have nobody find out, he would." I joked, my dad just grinned.

"He'd probably just right a book about it."Spencer mumbled.

"How to kill your daughters boyfriend and get away with it." My dad commented making us all laugh.

"Sound like a good read." Morgan chuckled.

"So, how long till you found out?" Emily asked.

"A year into their relationship, the same time everyone else did, we walked in on the sharing a moment." My dad told her.

"and no one else knew until then?"

"Well, JJ found out about six months before because of a pregnancy scare." I added coursing Morgan and Garcia to snap there heads towards us and JJ, Spencer and I laughed as my dad almost choked on his coffee.

"You had a pregnancy scare?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, she came over to my house at like 9:30 at night after a case and she was freaking out, I asked her what was up and she told me she had been dating Spencer for the last six months before and she thought she was pregnant."

"I wasn't but still, It kinda scared the heck out of Spencer and I, especially since we had only been dating six months." I continued.

"What about now, you still freaked out?" Emily wondered. Spencer shrugged and I shook my head.

"We've been dating three years now, we've spoken about the possibility in the future but right now, neither of us are ready." Spencer interjected.

"It's fun practising though." I piped up, taking the file from Reid and reading over it again.

"Well then, that's not what your dad needs to hear first thing in the morning, or ever." My dad claimed. "I've just gotten used to you dating, please no more pregnancy talk." He begged, making Reid and I laugh.

"Sorry dad." I laughed glancing up at him.

"You know I love Reid, but if he gets you pregnant before marriage, I'll kill him." My dad winked as he looked back at his book.

"You got it dad." I grinned.

"How to kill your daughters boyfriend and get away with it, coming to a book store near you!" Spencer muttered making us all laughed, including my dad and Hotch

Pretty soon we landed in New York and we jumped into the Black SUV's waiting for us.

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