Bonus Chapter 2: Secrets Out

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Spencer Reid and I were stood in the large room at CPD, going over the Geographical profile we were putting together for a case we were working.

As I stood back, to allow myself a better look at the map, I felt something brush up against my arm and fingers lightly brush mine. I turned to look up at a Smiling Spencer, who was stood extremely close to me.

"Dr Reid, need I reminded you, we are supposed to me working a case?" I told him, an eye brow raise as he only chuckled and grabbed my hand in his.

"There's nobody here." He told me, leaning forward a little as I shook my head.

"Spencer, we can't, if somebody..." but it was too late, his lips had already cought mine in a short, sweet kiss.

"You are gonna be the death of me Dr Reid." I sighed, resting my head on his arm, smiling when I heard him chuckle lightly.

"I like kissing my girlfriend, sue me." He shrugged, leaning over and kissing the top of my head.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until we moved to continue our work, which was quickly over when we got a phone call from Hotch.

"Dr Rossi and Reid here."

"Hey, we have a lead, a pretty strong one as well, gear up, Rossi is on the way to the precinct to pick you up."

"You got it boss." I quickly answered, hanging up the phone and turning to Spencer.

"Duty calls." I smiled as I quickly grabbed my gun and bullet proof vest.

"You know, I really hate it when you put that vest on." Spencer sighed, as he wondered over, placing his hands on my waist.

"Spencer, it's been a year, this protective boyfriend thing has to end." I chuckled, resting my hands on his shoulder.

"I'm not overprotective, I just worry, because I love you." He smiled before he lent in and kissed me again, this time for longer. "Now come on, your dad will be here soon."

I should probably explain the situation a bit. Spencer and I have been dating now for over a year, and only three people know, Spencer's mum, Hotch and JJ. I started dating after a very dramatic incident which involved a rapist, a gun and me lying in a hospital bed for 2 weeks. I had been captured by the unsub and he had me locked up. Things were pretty bad but luckily befor he could force himself on me, Spencer showed up and kicked his ass, unfortunately the Unsub got in one shot before he died, next thing I know I was waking up in a hospital with Spencer, who at the time was my best friend, by me side.

Things sort of started from there, he told me how much he loved me and he thought I nearly died without knowing.

We made the decision to not tell anybody so we didn't have this pressure of our friends around us. Also I didn't want my dad to kill Spencer. Hey, tha man my be getting on in age, but he's Italian and very protective.

I was quickly pulled from my thoughts when we heard a car horn and Spencer and I saw my dad in the SUV.

"Let's go!" He called out as we ran to the car and climbed in.

The plan was simple, got in, get the suspect and get out. But things turned to shit when the unsub jumped Spencer and locked them both in the house, which we were now trying to breach while Hotch spoke to the unsub, distracting him.

"Connor, listen to me, it doesn't have to end like this, just let doctor Reid go, we can...." Hotch called out, but was quickly interrupted by the unsub.

"It's not gonna happen cop, he ain't coming out and neither am I." The unsub yelled.

Morgan, Prentiss and JJ had split of to try and find a way into the house while I stuck by Hotch, silently praying to any and all gods that Spencer makes it out alive.

"You OK kiddo?" My dad asked, taking hold of my hand.

"Yeah, just...nervous." I told my dad. Then my whole world stopped. The gun shot was so loud, it sounded like it was right next to me. My heart stopped, my stomach flipped and I felt my dad wrap his arms around me, holding my back as I stepped forward.

"Spencer?" I whispered as the world fell silent.

It felt like time slowed down, the seconds felt like hours as I gripped tightly to my dads hand.

Then, an eternity later, Morgan walked house, holding the Unsub, who's arm was bleeding profusely. JJ followed out with the latest victim wrapped in a blanket.

Then, Prentiss walked out with Spencer and my whole body almost gave out, if it wasn't for my dads grip on me I would have fallen down.

"Spencer!" I gasped as I rushed over to him, pulling him into my arms.

"I'm OK Thea, I'm fine." Spencer assured me as he hugged me tight, ignoring the world around us, but still being weary of the teams watching us. To them, it looked like a best friends relief.

*time skip*

Things we settled, the case was over and the unsub charged and locked up. So we were at the precinct, packing our stuff up.

I was sitting in an office, taking a moment to myself.

It had only been an hour since we caught the unsub and it was still fresh in my mind and I was still holding up the emotions I had yet to release.

I mean I was terrified that something had happened to Spencer, that he had been shot or worse killed.

My mind filled with images of Spencer lying dead, blood pooling around him, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

And I exploded.

Tears just streamed down my face and I pulled my hands over my head as I just cried.

"Thea, we're...what's going on, what's wrong?" Spencer spoke as he ran over to me, standing infront of me.

"I.. I just I was so cared something had happened to you back there, I just...I don't know what I'd do if I had lost you Spencer." I cried, pulling him closer to me.

"Hey, look at me Thea." He ordered, putting both hands on my face, forcing me to look up at him. "I'm OK, I'm safe. Now I know I can't promise I'll never get hurt and neither can you, but I promise, I'm ok right now. Ok."

"When that gun shot when off Spence, my whole world stopped. I...I just..." I was cut off by Spencer pressing his lips to mine, pulling me up to my feet as his hands left my face and held my back, so my chest was pressed against his tightly.

"I love you, Thea Roman-Rossi, and I promise, nothing on this earth with change that, not even death." He mumbled against my lips, refusing to let me go.

"Well...this is new." A voice spoke up, making me and Spencer pull away, turning towards the door where the whole team stood watching us in disbelief...and I mean the WHOLE team.

"Oh, hey daddy." I greeted awkwardly as I waved. "You know Spencer."

"We've met." My dad nodded, smirking at my awkwardness in the situation.

"So, you gonna explain or what?" Morgan asked, walking over and throwing his arm over Spencer who shook his head and looked down at me.

"It's up to you." He shrugged.

"So, erm...Spencer and I have been dating, for a year now."

"A year?" Emily and Penelope shrieked.

"A year." We nodded.

"OK, well, how about we finish this on the plane." Hotch offered and we all nodded, the team leaving, my dad however sticking behind, watching Spencer and I.

"You happy?" He asked me,

"The happiest." I nodded before he turned to Spencer.

"You're looking after her right kid?"

"Like my life depends on it sir." Spencer responded immediately.

"Good, because it does." And with that he left, making me smile.

"I think he likes you." I grinned up at Spencer who let out a laugh.

"Oh yeah I really felt to love." He rolled his eyes.

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