13:00-The Same MO

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As I walked into the precinct I spotted Officer Grey sat at his desk, chatting to Hotch. I walked by and into the conference room where I saw Spencer working on his white board, Garcia was typing away at her computer and Emily was MIA. I walked over to Spencer and wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head against his back, listening tot eh sound of his heart beat.

"You doing OK baby?" Spencer asked, placing a hand over mine but continued working.

I wanted to say 'no, I'm not, this whole this is giving me PTSD from my own kidnapping that happened when I was 6, that's where Rossi found me you know, my parents were dead he took me in and now I spend my life putting assholes like the guy who took me away.' but instead a said,

"I'm fine, do you know if my dad is back?"

"I'm right here kid, You OK?" he asked me as I let got of Spencer and walked over to my dad.

"I'm OK old man, do we have anything new?"

"I have something," Garcia said. Raising her hand. My dad walked to the door, called in Hotch and Em and was all sat down.

"What do you have baby girl?" I asked her, doing my best impression of Morgan who let out a chuckled.

"Well, my white chocolate thunder," She chuckled, playing along. "I have two hits on cases that match his guys MO." She informed us, she turned her Computer around and up popped a photo of a girl. She looked similar to Katy Thompson, but something about her looked familiar.

"This is Amber King, went missing 5 years ago, both parents were killed, she was six years old. She was found a year later, in a park near to her apartment in Queens." She began. She clicked a button and another girl popped up, once again looking familiar, and almost identical to Katy and Amber.

"Maisie-Jean Harding, went missing aged 6 from her home in Brooklyn 10 years ago, her mom was killed the same night she was taken. She too was found a year later in a near by park, close to her home."

I looked at the two girls looking back at me, the blue eyes of the two little girls stared into my very soul. Something about them was too familiar it was staring me right in the face but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Why didn't we get these hit before?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the two girls on the screen.

"The kidnappings were all five years apart, in different parts of New York and didn't have anything else in common. Nothing about the cases matched, they were all taken in different months, the home situations were different, Amber King was living in an apartment with her mum and Stepfather. The case went cold a month after the she disappeared and didn't bring anything up again until she was found, no DNA are usable evidence was found on her.

"Maisie-Jean was living with her mother in a house, when she went missing the Brooklyn PD arrested her father as the pinged his phone to that area at the time of the kidnapping. Mr James Harding was arrested and later released as they had insufficient evidence. When the body was found, they questioned him again, but by that time he had turned to drugs and drinking to deal with the loss of his daughter and his wife. He OD-ed, two years ago." She told us.

"So this guy, he like brown haired, blue eyed six year old girls, he specifically works in the New York State and keeps them a year." Morgan pointed out.

"Do we have anything farther back?" I asked, I noticed my dad and Hotch look at me, a worried expression on there face, each of them watching me as if waiting for me to work it out.

"There isn't a lot backed up from over 10 years ago but I've got people looking, I've narrowed the search the state New York as that seemed to me his preferred hunting ground." Garcia informed us.

"Keep up the good work, Emily, can you get anything you can of the two girls, JJ and Morgan, you're with me Rossi, keep and eye on her." He told everyone, but whispered that last part. I stood up and walked back over to Spencer's board, looking at it. Spencer came back, pinning a couple print outs of the two girls and pinned them up, marking out the locations the were taken from and when they were found.

"You from Brooklyn, right Thea? You sorta kept the accent." Garcia called over, I wrapped my armed around Spencer once again, resting my head on his back, looking over at Garcia who watched us, a small smiled on her face. Reid kept working, playing with my fingers that held tight to his torso.

"What? no, I was born in The Bronx babe,I moved to Virginia when my dad took me in." I told her.

"You make it sound like I found a stray puppy in the street and kept it." My dad Joked.

"Oh, My, I forgot about the Bronx, I got make a call." Garcia gasped, rising from her seat. I chuckled as turned back to Reid. I was staring it the photos, his phone in his hand. I looked down at the screen to see he had a picture of the two of us smiling down at the photo, then back to the girls.

"What are you doing Spence?" I asked, moving slightly to get a better look at the phone.

"I know it sounds crazy, but there's this nagging feeling it the back of my mind that they all look like somebody. I've gone through every persons face I can find, and yours is the closest." He explained, he held out he phone and I looked down, then back to the photo. He was right, they do look like me. I turned confused to my dad who watched me, a sad look in his eyes. I turned back confused and looked back at the three girls who all looked back at me.

Then it hit me...HARD!!

24 Hours (A Spencer Reid Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora