21:00-Unsub Calls The Tip Line

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We all arrived back at the Precinct by 9 and we all walked in to see my dad and Hotch laughing at something in the conference room. 

"Wonder what's got them in a good mood?" Morgan asked as we made our way over. 

"I bet they've spent the last hour bitching about us while we've been away." I accused, jokingly of course. 

"That's all we do when you're not around." My dad called obviously hearing me.

"I KNEW IT!" I yelled.

"So, how'd you're date go?" he asked as everybody chuckled. 

"Spencer asked me to move in with him." I told my dad who smiled wide. "I said yes."

"Of course you did, you two are always together anyway." He chuckled as he walked over and pulled me into his arms. "Congrats kiddo." he grinned. 

"Thanks daddy." I teared up again, I wiped the tear away when somebody came into the room. 

"Has anybody see Officer Grey, nobody as seen him since Peters got a shot to the snout?" An older looking man asked as he came into the room. We all shock our heads and shrugged.

"We can't get a hold of him, his cars gone, he cruiser is still here as well as his badge and gun." The officer explained before he walked off.

"That guy is weird." I spoke up.

"Who, officer Grey?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, something about him just seems off and familiar." I told them.

"Well he did say he knew the Romani family, maybe you remember him from back then." 

"But I don't remember any grey family, I remember the Newman family. Terry Newman and his twin boys Toby and Tommy." I told them. "It's not that I don't know him, it's that he acts weird around me." 

"How do you mean?" 

"Well, Before I punched that ass hat officer before he was talking about the first Victim but he was watching me, trying to see how I would react, I called the unsub a 'smug ass-hole' there was a change in his emotion, but I couldn't figure out what because it was gone to fast." I told them. "and when I accidentally told that other guy who I was he looked shocked." 

"That's not right." JJ added.

"Come to think of it, He's asked me about you a few times too." Garcia told us.

"Me too." Emily added who had come in half way through the conversation.

"We need to find him and ask him some questions." Hotch spoke up.

"Garcia, see if you can track his phone." Rossi told her, Penny sped off to her Computer and began typing away.

"Hey, err Dr Rossi, there is someone asking for you, on the tip line." The officer I punched came into the room.

"What do they want?" I asked 

"He want's to talk to you." He told me. "Only you." I looked around confused before walking over to the table that the phone sat on.

"Patch them through into here." I order. He nodded and walked off. Quickly the Phone began to ring and I answered it, putting it on loud speaker.


"Dorothea Romani...last time I spoke to you, you were just a kid." A voice I knew spoke into the phone. I stiffened, wide eyed at hearing the voice that had haunted me for so many years. my voice lost, nothing would come out as my mouth moved to speak.

"Who is this?" My dad asked, noticing my struggle.

"Dr Rossi, you there too, that's good." the voice snarled.

"what do you want?" Spencer asked asked.

"I want what I wanted 25 years ago, Thea Romani." he yelled down the phone.

"Well, you can't have her." my dad told him.

"You know that's not true because I'm going to tell you who I am and then, she won't be able to resist me." I could hear the smugness in his voice and the smirk on his lips. 

"Well, who are you?" I asked finally finding my voice.

"Oh, it's not that easy." He told me. "First, you, your daddy and that boyfriend of yours, you'er gonna take a little road trip. To your old house." 

"No, we won't." I shot back.

"If you want Katy Thompson back a live and unharmed you will." He told me then the line went dead. I stood there, frozen, every memory of my child hood came back all at once.

"What are you gonna do Rossi?" Morgan asked. 

"Nothing, we can't play into this guys hands, he wants Thea and this could very well be a trap." Spencer Wrapped his arms around me as my dad spoke but I stayed still.

"But what about Katy?" Emily asked.

"We'll find away to get her back before the 24 hours are up." Hotch told them.

"No, We have to go." I told the team, finding control over my body again.

"We can't Thea, it could be a trap." My dad tried to reason. 

"We have to, If it means getting Katy back unharmed, then we're going." I told him.

"Thea, this isn't a good Idea." Spencer told me, trying to reason with me. 

"I'm going Spencer, with or without you. With me, I have a better chance of making it back alive and back home, where we can have that whole perfect little family we dreamed about in our new home." I told him, grabbing my bag.

"So you're going to use our future children against me?" Spencer asked dumbfounded.

"You bet your sweet ass I am." I told him. I walked out of the room, my dad and Spencer calling my name. 

As I climbed in the car I heard the back door and the passenger door open and In climbed my dad and boyfriend.

"Glad you could make it." I smiled at them as I started the car. 

"This is the right thing to do guys, I know what I'm doing." I reassured them as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"When did you get so smart?" My dad asked, a huge grin on his face. 

"When I stopped listening to you." I joked back.

"You sure about this, I mean you're putting our future on the line?" Spencer questioned.

"I'm so sure Spencer, I'm practically deodorant." I nodded.

"OK. Then I'm with you." He chuckled.

"Good, cos I'm freaking out and I need you both with me." I admitted.

"We're here for you Thea, always."

"Yeah, because I love you, you enormously stubborn pain in the ass." Spencer chuckled.

"I love you too Spencer."

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