11:00-Questioning The Thompson's

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We pulled up outside the address the JPD had given us and came face to face with a circus of reporters and stood on the Thompson's lawn, snapping photos, recording their news segments, each and every one of them trying the get a glimpse at the distraught parents locked up behind the door.

"Look at them."

"Like the first ants at the picnic." I sighed as I pulled up outside the house, catching the attention of the press who very quickly swarmed the car. I pulled out my phone and dialled Hotch.


"Hey, there's press all over the place, do we give them something or..." I asked, as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"The usual, we here to help, we have still gathering our info and that we would appreciate it if they left the Thompson's alone." He told me.

"You got it boss." I hung up the phone and looked at JJ who nodded, her head slightly. I slid my glasses onto my face once again before we climbed out of the car and we were immediately bombarded with questions.

"Do you have any leads on where Kathrine Thompson is?"

"Are you here to make an arrest"

"Do you think this could be another Madeline McCann situation?"

"Is there anything you can tell us?" 

JJ continued to walk to the door while I stayed by the car, once she was at the steps I began to speak, distracting the Press.

"In regards to the Case of Kathrine Thompson, I'm Dr Roman-Rossi of the BAU with the FBI. The BAU have been called in to assist the JDP with their case. At this moment we have no new information as the BAU are still collecting our own information about the case and are still getting up to speed. We would greatly appreciate it if you left the Thompson family alone at this very difficult time, they're going though a lot right now and they don't need the press spreading fake news and accusing them of a Madeline McCann situation'. How ever if anybody has any information on the missing girl please call the JPD hotline, any information shall be greatly appreciated." I told them before I walked over to the house, JJ opened the door and let me in. 

"Great work with the miss direction." She noted, keeping her face natural for the sake of the greaving couple. I nodded and removed my glasses. I took note of the couple watching the two of us from their seats in the living room.

"Mr and Mrs Thompson, My name is Dr Roman-Rossi." I introduced myself as I walked over t them.

"Hello." The husband replied, holding his hand out, I shook it and sat down on a chair close by.

"Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" JJ asked as she followed suit.

"Of course." Mr Thompson nodded.

"So, what can you tell me about last night and this morning?" I asked them. 

"Well, last night, we dropped Katy off at her grandparents, my parents, home at around 5pm, everything was great, we usually dropped her off after dinner but last night we dropped her a little earlier as my parents were taking her for dinner, it's my dads birthday tomorrow." Mr Thompson informed us.

"We called her at 8:30pm like we did every week, to say goodnight, she told us about her special dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. She told us she wore her red dress we bought last weekend on our family day." Mrs Thompson spoke up. 

"She said good night and told us how she was excited she was for our family day this week, we are, were going to the zoo today." Mr Thompson added.

"Was there anything that you noticed out of the ordinary? Any strange cars or vans. Any body hanging by your house or your parents house last night. He would have looked out of place, maybe familiar but you can't place where?" JJ asked 

"No, there was a white van parked across the way, but the neighbours across the street own a white van so I just assumed it was theirs." 

"Did you happen to get the licence plate number?" I asked but Mr Thompson only shook his head. 

"No, but I know they were New York plates, and the was a huge dint in the side, right by the drivers side door." Mrs Thompson told me.

"OK, and this morning, can you tell us what happened?"

"We got a call from the police, they said our daughter was missing and that my parents where died. A couple offices have been round, interviewing us. Asking our where abouts and such." Mr Thompson told me.

"They said my mother-in-law was on the phone to them when he...it that true?" Mrs Thompson asked. JJ looked at me and I nodded.

"The JPD did receive a call from the Thompson's landline, they heard the whole thing." She told the couple who both let out a struggled cry. 

"I'm very sorry for you loss Mr and Mrs Thompson, I'm gonna do everything I can to find you're daughter, my team to, I promise." I smiled softly at the two. Mrs Thompson cracked a sad smiled.

"Word of advise, stay away from the windows, we've told the press to leave you be but in our experience, they usually never listen."JJ informed them as we stood up. 

"We will keep you updated with the case Mr and Mrs Thompson, Keep your spirits high, we're still within the first 24 Hours of an abduction." I told them 

"Is that good?" Mrs Thompson asked hopefully.

"usually the first 24 hours of an abduction are the most crucial, from experience we have a much better chance at finding her. But please keep in mind, we don't know this unsub, and things don't always go as smooth in some cases." JJ warned them, they nodded and stood, following us to the door. 

"But, it can't hurt to hope though, right?" Mr Thompson asked.

"No, Mr Thompson, it can't hurt to hope." I smiled sadly. We shook the couples hands and exited the house, pushing our way through the circus of press, who once again threw questions our way. As I climbed in the car JJ looked over at me, worried.


"You shouldn't have promised them that." She told me warily.


"That you'd find their daughter."

"I promised them I would do everything I can to find Katy, I that is exactly what I'm going to do JJ." I told her. 

"I can see why your dad asked you to come along." She smiled at me as I started the car.

"Whys that?" I asked curiously as I pulled out of the driveway and set off back to the JPD. 

"You are driven, I'm not sure by what, but it works and we always get our guy. Especially in children's kidnap cases." She told me.

I nodded, thanking 'yeah it's because it is personal for me, I've been where those kids have been and I still haunts me.' I took a deep breath, pushing the thought out of my mind and kept driving. JJ pulled out her phone and called the team.

"Ried" Spencer answered. 

"Spencer hey, we may have something."JJ said into the phone. The was a short silence before Spencer spoke again. 

"OK, you're on speaker, Hotch, Garcia and Emily are here too."

"What do you have?" 

"Mr Thompson said they saw a white van parked outside his parents house, across the street, but the neighbours owns white van so he didn't this nothing of it." JJ informed them

"She didn't get a plate number but she did say the was a huge dint along the divers side, not much to go on but maybe my beautiful tech genius could do her thing, find out if anyone in the area owns a white van." 

"You got in Dr Rossi." My friends High pitched voice spoke up.

"I'll ask Rossi and Morgan to ask around, check with the neighbours if they've seen the same van." Hotch informed us.

"Do you want us to head over, help as around?"

"yeah, it could help." 

"On our way boss man." I called before JJ hung up. 

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