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Payton recognized her cousin's girlfriend, as Peter nodded his head to her to grab her

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Payton recognized her cousin's girlfriend, as Peter nodded his head to her to grab her. Allision looked to the side but Payton did not want to move and harm the girl, her heart was beating fast, and she heard it, and smelt the fear coming off the teenager.

Peter growled at her but then raised his claws to Kates' throat turning to Allision, then peering down to Kate telling her to apologize, for his family that had been killed in the fire, and his immobility of being in the hospital for six years.

Kate muttered an apology, as Peter frowned clawing through her throat as Allision shouted, but Payton held her back, not wanting her to get hurt trying to run to the Alpha.

Payton noticed the Alpha was still revengeful, as he eyed the young Argent, so she grabbed the teenager pushing her behind," You will not harm the girl"

"Oh, Payton, are you going to try and fight me? You don't have half the strength" He mocked as she growled at him standing protectively in front of Allision as he walked forward, but then she heard a growl turning to Scott who had entered ready to attack.

Payton turned to the footsteps on the other side, as Derek walked in as Peter looked amused at the two. Scott turned to Payton, as his eyes read hers telling her to take Allision out making her nodded lifting the girl in her arms running out the house. She had to let the two deal with Peter since she did not half the strength to even fight him.

As she reached outside, lowering Allision down in front of her father on the ground.

Payton turned her head to the sound of fighting inside gritting her teeth feeling useless at the moment.

Suddenly, Scott flew out the window, making Payton run towards his body, as Peter who was shifted came running out to attack him.

She ran over standing in front of Scott as Peter grabbed her throat lifting her off the ground as she kicked back the Alpha falling out of his arms as she fell next to Scott, as she grabbed his hand in reassurance checking if he was okay.

Peter recovered from the kick as he got up about to attack the pair as the sound of a car horn made him turn distracted. Payton held on Scott's hand as they stood up, seeing Stiles and Jackson get out of the car.

Payton and Scott got the whiff of chemicals in the Erlenmeyer flasks as Stiles threw it over to Peter, but he caught it as Stiles muttered," Ooh...damn" Payton didn't think as she ran over kicked the flask, making it fall to the ground as it cracked.

She jumped back as the liquid went in flames burning Peter. Jackson threw his flask as it set more fire on the Alpha.

He turned to attack Payton, as Scott ran over kicking him, and Payton throwing a punch, getting herself slightly burned, but knew she was going to heal not caring.

They all watched Peter try to run but just walked slowly away as he was engulfed in flames.

He slowly fell to the ground as the smell of burning fleshed filled the air making Payton grimace, as she watched the flames die down.

She walked over to the Alpha but a hand reached her shoulder and she turned to Derek, moving to make him deal with Peter.

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