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"I'm Alpha now," Derek's said as Payton looked over to Scott who was frowning at the new Alpha standing before them, life in Beacon Hills is going to get more complicated than one can say normal without sounding like a lie

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"I'm Alpha now," Derek's said as Payton looked over to Scott who was frowning at the new Alpha standing before them, life in Beacon Hills is going to get more complicated than one can say normal without sounding like a lie.

Months passed since that night—Payton had yet to find her own anchor, having to rely on chaining herself up in her loft.

Payton was one thing, she was stubborn, and she refused to ask help from Stiles, Scott, and Derek.

The main issue is that she did not want to seem weak, even if she had to admit she was on the full moon, she hated it.

Payton had grown up with only a father in the picture, and he was a strict parent, teaching her not to cry, not to rely on others, and definitely never drag others into her affairs.

Then, it came when Payton married a man, the name of Marcus Devans, who she expected to spend the rest of her life with, but her luck with men was zero.

Marcus was a kind man, in the beginning, always wanting to make Payton happy, but that changed as soon as the ring was on the finger.

He was controlling, processive and down straight abusive. Payton was not someone who just let herself get hurt, and she protected herself, but then again, she wasn't always the greatest in the marriage as well.

She had affairs, despite being married, and would exploit her own husband for money, which goes back to, Payton was no saint, she was just as bad as the people who had wronged her, and maybe being bitten; was her punishment.

Another full moon was here, and Payton had chained herself to the same metal steel post in her loft. It had been the third full moon since she started this method, the one thing she knew, was having the key next to her, was safe, since her head was full of bloodlust, to even bother using the key, so the scenario played out well for her.

Already, chained to the post, as the sun started to set, Payton tried to once again, find anything that can keep her control.

"You know, if I had more residents renting this place, I'd have to explain where all this howling is coming from, especially since I don't allow animals in the building" Payton shot her head up seeing Derek standing at her door entrance.

She furrowed her brows," How did you even get in here?" She questioned

"I own the building" Derek smirked as he crossed his arms.

"Small world, nice to meet my proprietor after so long" She teased but groaning after feeling the full moon awakening her bloodlust.

"You still haven't found an anchor, but you manage to find a way to avoid yourself from getting loose, not bad," Derek said walking over grabbing a chair sitting across from Payton

"What are you doing?" Payton let out a snarl as her eyes flashed yellow, the first sign of her shifting.

"I came to help you find your anchor," said Derek.

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